17th Blogiversary

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy

17 is a significant number around Casa Aguiar these days. The blog turned 17 on July 28, but the bigger news is that Paulo is leaving his workplace after 17 years and going to a new job in a new company in a new location. In the words of the late David Bowie: ch-ch-ch-changes!

Paulo's job change is by far the most exciting "17" news around here; I'll not try to top it. Although, I do take great pride in this long-running blog project. Driven entirely by self-motivation (not money) and exceeding the average lifespan of most personal websites on the internet, maintaining gailatlarge.com continues to feel like a big achievement at every single blogiversary.

However, this year the time I typically spend on photography has taken a BIG hit. There are some months where I have nothing edited in Lightroom at all, which was never the case even a couple of years ago. On balance, I may not be shooting much less but I'm certainly editing and uploading less. So to try and bring the photography forward again, for this anniversary as I did last year, I'm going to randomly choose 17 photographs from the past 12 months, a year in which blogging took a back seat far behind work and travel.

First, the Geeky Stuff and then the Photography...

2018 is when the blogging really slowed to a crawl

A 68% drop (!) from the previous year looks more like a plummet in this chart. That said, I have had some incredible travel experiences in 2019 - nearly three months total in far-flung places - and it's only August.

Selecting the photos is always a long exercise, probably the kind best left to an impartial person and not the photo-taker... in the end I chose 17 not shown here before, to give them a place on the blog even if they're not linked to a topic. The only order is chronological, they're otherwise very random.

1. August 2018: Ice the Dog at Monumento aos Heróis da Guerra Peninsular (monument to the heroes of the Peninsular War) at Praça de Mouzinho de Albuquerque (Rotunda da Boavista), Porto5. September 2018: Forte de São João Baptista das Berlengas (Fort of the Berlengas)6. October 2018: Vila Chã (Vila do Conde) when Hurricane Leslie was reaching mainland Portugal7. November 2018: Ice the Dog guarding the family chestnut grove in Penela da Beira, Viseu8. November 2018: Arrábida Bridge, as seen from Parque da Quinta da Macieirinha9. December 2018: Livraria Lello in early winter afternoon light

Check out the Blogiversary Seriesfor the rest of my annual musings - the post list is below.