1.73 Billion Abortions Worldwide in 40 Years

Posted on the 03 April 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Hitler and the Nazis are reviled for murdering 6 million Jews — a horrific page in human history which we call The Holocaust.

But there is an ongoing even bigger Holocaust that bestirs not our conscience, and instead is applauded and championed.

Fr. Shenan Boquet, president of the pro-life Human Life International (HLI), writes for LifeNews.com, April 1, 2013, that according to Dr. Brian Clowes, HLI director of education and research, there have been more than 1.72 billion worldwide abortions since the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States.

That’s 1,730,000,000 little human persons killed in 40 years, or an average of 43.25 million abortions each year.

That figure is shocking enough. But Dr. Clowes points out the trend is not lessening but growing exponentially as more and more countries embrace and legalize contraception and abortion as methods of population control, which is always sold as “family planning” and “reproductive health.”

Among the 1.72 billion worldwide abortions are the 336 million abortions in China since 1971 – a figure that’s 21 million more than the total population (315,6 million) of the United States as of March 1, 2013.

In his article, “Data Reveal Scale of China Abortions,” Simon Rabinovitch reports that there have been 336 million abortions, 196 million sterilizations and 403 million intrauterine devices used in China since 1971. He notes that Chinese doctors every year abort roughly 7 million babies, sterilize nearly 2 million men and women and insert 7 million IUDs, though precise numbers are hard to come by.

But the United States is no slouch when it comes to abortion. In the 40 years since Roe v. Wade, more than 54.5 million American babies were murdered through abortion. That’s more than the population of the following countries (a select list):

  • South Africa, pop. 51.77 million
  • South Korea, pop. 50 million
  • Columbia, pop. 46.89 million
  • Spain, pop. 46.815 million
  • Argentina, pop. 40.117 million
  • Canada, pop. 35 million
  • Iraq, pop. 33.33 million
  • Venezuela, pop. 28.9 million
  • Afghanistan, pop. 25.5 million
  • Australia, pop. 22.881 million
  • Netherlands, pop. 16.775 million
  • Belgium, pop. 11.139 million
  • Greece, pop. 10.815 million

Moloch must be cackling with glee…. (See “‘I’m a millionaire because I had an abortion’: Abortion and Moloch.”)
