17 Best Hiking Books: To Inspire You to Take a Hike and Dream Big

By Monkeys And Mountains Adventure @Laurel_Robbins

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When you can't be on the trail, the next best thing is a hiking book that will make you feel like you are. Whether you're an avid hiker or about to embark on an epic trail like the Appalachian Trail and are seeking inspiration, I share some of my favorite books about hiking that will inspire you to lace up your hiking boots and hit the trails.

Note: I've included books for hikers that are entertaining and focus on storytelling, and are more memoir-style and, most of all, inspiring.

Ones that share valuable lessons since I truly believe that hiking can change your life. Ones that show you can do more than you think you can because our thoughts do matter - and that hiking is a great time to practice changing our thoughts.

And to become aware of why we should surround ourselves with people who push us forward to reach our goals.

So you won't find any super practical "how-to" books, although many of the books do contain tips.

According to this article in Elemental Science:

A good adventure story has the ability to draw us into a world we might otherwise never explore. ... We visit places we would normally never choose to go and sometimes glimpse a little spark of adventure inside us we didn't know was there.

So if you're looking for How to Hike type information, you'll find plenty of information on our site. Start with Hiking for Beginners, and check out our Hiking Gear and Hiking Tip sections for a ton of resources.

Hiking Books Based in North America

Hiking Books Based in Europe

Books About Hiking From Around the Globe

Photography/Coffee Table Hiking Books

Whether you're looking for a hiking book for yourself or the perfect gift for a hiking buddy, you'll now have plenty of inspiration.

Tell me your favorite book about hiking. I'm always looking for new reads. And be sure to check out our Adventure Books.

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