McDowell is the General Editor of The Apologetics Study Bible for Students and lays out a great case for Christianity in this special 16-week video study series. You’ll find Sean McDowell’s newest video at each week. The current topic this week is ‘Does the Bible demean women?’.
We use The Apologetics Study Bible for Students in high school and college ministries and highly recommend it to students and adults who work with them.
B&H is giving people the opportunity to win a free Bible, a mini Apologetic Library or a free trip for two to hear from some of the world’s best Christian apologists at the National Conference on Christian Apologetics in Charlotte, NC this October. You can enter the Confident Faith Sweepstakes by clicking here.
Faith and Self Defense is excited to help get the word out about this great series of videos by Sean McDowell and hope you will share this with young people in your family, neighborhood and church.