16 of the Most Unusual Wedding Entertainment Ideas

By Claire

There is noth­ing bet­ter at a wed­ding recep­tion than a great band, great food and great friends. How­ever, enter­tain­ment for wed­dings is now branch­ing out beyond any­thing ever seen been before. Brides and grooms all over the UK are opt­ing to have their enter­tain­ment reflect them­selves, their hob­bies or bring back mem­o­ries from their rela­tion­ship to share with guests. Enter­tain­ment ideas range from a fire show at the end of the night to bring back mem­o­ries of that per­fect hol­i­day in Thai­land, a foot­ball freestyler as a gift for your soc­cer mad fiancé or a Del Boy look-a-like to astound your ‘Only Fools and Horses’ lov­ing fam­ily dur­ing your wed­ding breakfast.

Top picks — 16 of the most unusual wed­ding enter­tain­ment ideas

If you thought that the wed­ding break­fast was a tra­di­tion of wine, eat, wine, speeches, fin­ish, then think again! Sur­prise enter­tain­ment for wed­dings com­pletely breaks down any pre­con­cep­tions of how a wed­ding is sup­posed to run and throws some­thing unex­pected into the mix.

Cre­ative wait­ers for your wed­ding reception

For exam­ple, imag­ine your guests being served by a group of rather eccen­tric Russ­ian wait­ers ask­ing ques­tions and get­ting to know you all, top­ping up your glasses, mak­ing sure every­one is happy (as a waiter does) then sud­denly one of them appears with a gui­tar, another with a bunch of roses… and do my eyes deceive me, or is one of them hold­ing a kazoo? They all begin to burst into song ges­tur­ing to your guests as they inte­grate their names, jobs and hob­bies into pop­u­lar songs, hand­ing out roses as they ser­e­nade the tables. It can take quite a while for every­one to realize that they are not really wait­ers, they don’t work for the venue, and there’s a sneaky sus­pi­cion that they may not even be Russian.

Singing Wait­ers have been around for a while now but they have started to evolve and now range from female vin­tage singers to oper­atic sopra­nos, comedic howlers and even fire­men shut­ting your wed­ding down due to health and safety!

Cur­rently, one of the most pop­u­lar (fol­low­ing a series of Dori­tos adverts) is ‘Sur­prise Mari­achi Singers’! After all, Mari­achi is the new Rock & Roll. There is some­thing per­fectly bizarre and won­der­fully quirky about hav­ing your wed­ding break­fast ambushed by som­brero wear­ing musi­cians singing cur­rent pop and rock tunes in an old Mari­achi band Mex­i­can style. You can’t help but laugh and sing along at the same time!

Magi­cians and car­i­ca­tur­ists with a difference

Tra­di­tional ‘Meet and Greet’ enter­tain­ment has also moved on these days into the realms of ‘did that really just hap­pen’? Magi­cians and car­i­ca­tur­ists have become so mind-bogglingly bril­liant that wands and capes are a sure fire thing of the past. Instead pre­pare to be wowed as you get to see your­self as a char­ac­ter from The Simp­sons or have your pri­vate mobile num­ber read aloud by a mind reader.

Ambi­ent enter­tain­ers for wow factor

Ambi­ent enter­tain­ment is also becom­ing hugely pop­u­lar with many cou­ples opt­ing to wow their guests with stilt walk­ers, fire per­form­ers and walk­a­bout jug­glers as they arrive at the venue. It sets a fan­tas­tic tone and gets every­body in the mood for a cel­e­bra­tion from the very first minute.

Liv­ing tables?!

Or, what bet­ter way to add that fin­ish­ing touch to your wed­ding than hav­ing the tables dressed in fan­tas­tic cos­tumes. Yes, cos­tumes… because they are actu­ally ‘Liv­ing’ Tables’ fea­tur­ing a human cen­tre­piece! Com­bin­ing out­stand­ing designs and prac­ti­cal­ity (with booze, which is always a good thing!) the tables have themes for just about any wed­ding, includ­ing Bol­ly­wood, 1920s vin­tage and of course tra­di­tional white. As your guests arrive they are greeted by a table fes­tooned with glasses of some­thing bub­bly and a host won­der­fully inte­grated into the cen­tre is ready to hand them a flute and greet them inside. Another great ice breaker and a really spe­cial welcome.

Giant snow globes with dancers inside!

For those cou­ples look­ing for a truly unique wed­ding enter­tain­ment idea, pic­ture this scene… your drinks recep­tion and wed­ding break­fast have fin­ished, the evening guests are arriv­ing into the recep­tion area, and amidst the crowd there is a dome-shaped struc­ture in the room. Whis­pers begin to cir­cu­late as to what this strange black object could be? Have the venue cov­ered it up for the wed­ding? Why would they leave it in the room?

Ques­tions con­tinue whilst you min­gle with your new evening guests and fill them in on your spe­cial day. Then, music begins to play and the cloth cov­er­ing the dome is removed to reveal a giant snow-globe. Con­fetti glit­ter cir­cu­lates within as two cos­tumed per­form­ers begin to dance inside the con­fines of the globe and per­form a silent love story for your guests.

Tips for mak­ing your wed­ding enter­tain­ment per­sonal and unique

Unique wed­ding enter­tain­ment like this is not only stun­ningly beau­ti­ful, but also a huge con­ver­sa­tion piece and some­thing none of your wed­ding guests will ever for­get. What bet­ter way to stamp you and your partner’s per­son­al­ity on to your wed­ding than with your entertainment?

There really is some­thing out there for every­one to make their wed­ding enter­tain­ment unique, whether it is big or small, cheap and chic, or large and lav­ish. Look at what’s out there and find what suits you… it is your wed­ding after all!

In addi­tion to these fab wed­ding enter­tain­ment ideas, War­ble Enter­tain­ment Agency, one of the UK’s top providers of wed­ding band hire and enter­tain­ers for wed­dings, has plenty more unique acts to really get your light bulbs glowing.

Dis­cover more unusual wed­ding enter­tain­ment ideas!

  • Singing Wait­ers
  • Mari­achi Sur­prise Singers
  • Liv­ing Tables
  • The Giant Snowglobe
  • Car­i­ca­tur­ists
  • Magi­cians
  • Enter­tain­ers
  • War­ble Entertainment’s unique wed­ding ideas