15 to 15000

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
I have not blogged in a while as i have been trying to grow my photography blog and get more views on the project 365 blog...
I has been going well as over the past month i have managed to get around 600 page views on the photography blog and i am now getting a better response with project 365 so i decided to make this post about how this blog is going to hit a milestone in a short amount of time.
When you first start a blog you have to work hard and get people interested in what you are writing about and posting and you build an audience who will keep visiting the site and checking out the content you post.
Over the past few years i have learnt a lot about blogging, Internet browsing patterns and how people view things on the Internet. here are just a few observations;
Viewers and Readers:
On blogs you get 2 types of visitors and these are core audience who follow the blog and read the most parts of the content posted and then you get chance audience people who find you blog through the search engines and just read one or two articles and leave. For the most part my blog is built on chance encounters and widespread social media as i write about everything and anything meaning at some point anyone will find my blog through a search engine while searching for something on the Internet.
In the history of this blog i have not really had many comments on articles as i write my content in such a way that it is there to be read and then people can leave without commenting if they wish but i always try to pose a question to grow an article as it is a great tool to see who your audience are and what they think.
I  will leave it there for today but i will be posting a fun post when i hit 15000 page views so be sure to follow and keep visiting the blog to see when that is released.
Thanks for reading and supporting the blog.