15 Things to Do When You Are Bored

By Sahi
Even though we have smart phones, TV and all of those amazing things to occupy us it is really easy to get bored. Boredom can strike anyone at any time specially when we are procrastinating something.Here is a list of 15 things that can be done when one is bored!1. Tap your creative side and do something which you have never thought you could do.Draw, paint, DIY stuffs, origami2. Send friends a surprise postcard.Sending snail mail is going to be a thing! Feel good moment guaranteed3. Do some cooking. Experiment and created a signature dish that you can be proud of4. Find a corner at you home; take a cozy blanket, hot tea and a good book!5. Plant a herb garden6. Play some games (Jenga, UNO, cards, carom) that will bring back the good old school memories.7. Make your own bucket list.  The happiness of striking out items from the list once done is totally out of the world.It is the most satisfying activity. Make separate headings and add points under them.8. Call up the friend you have wanted to call and relive the memories.
9. Pamper yourself with home facials, new hairdos or even better a spa.10. Play a sport, go for a run/walk, exercise, do yoga or meditate!11. Sing. Sing out loud12. Start a journal and write down the significant events of the day13. Read newspaper, or watch news. Get updated about the events happening around you: P14. Find a nick name for your friends using http://namecombiner.com/.  Its fun15. Last but not the least, YouTube.Image : Google