15+ Services to Create Your Online Magazine / Newspaper

Posted on the 26 March 2013 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia
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The other day, a reader of the blog asked me if I could recommend some tools to create an e-zine. A great question, I must say!

As this is not an area about which I am very knowledgeable, I decided to do some research — and educate myself in the process.

I made some very interesting discoveries. I learnt, for example, that some services allow you to turn your entire blog into an eBook! Pretty cool, isn’t it?

The list below features several tools that I have used for a long time, such as Paper.li, Scoop.it, The Tweeted Times, and WordPress. The rest is a mishmash of sites that looked interesting enough to be mentioned.

Feel free to contribute more links.

Tools to create your online publication / eBook

View more lists from Cendrine Marrouat

Have you tried any of the services in this list? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.