15 Photos to Enjoy a Virtual Trip to Uganda

By Livingthedreamrtw @livingdreamrtw

Last Updated on by Jeremy

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Not being able to travel is rough. We get it. There is nothing fun about being stuck at home with no plans for the future.

To help things out, we're publishing a virtual trip series where we share 15 of our favorite photos from a previous trip and share some of the backstories behind the images.

For our third entry, we're traveling to Africa to hit up Uganda, a country we explored for 10 days in 2019!

Virtual Tour of Uganda - 15 of Our Favorite Uganda Photos

Baby Rhino and Mama

One of the first stops on our Uganda safari tour was the Ziwa Rhino Reserve. This park is the only place where you can see rhinos in their natural habitat in all of Uganda, and the park has roughly two dozen roaming the grounds. They are kept under 24-hour observation for their security, which also made it quite easy for our guides to find a few for us to go see. After a quick drive, we got out and made our way on foot to this mother and baby rhino who were resting underneath some shade to avoid the mid-day sun. After we got there, the baby was quite active and we got to see a rather adorable scene unfold before moving on!

An Elephant Visitor to Our Lodge

We always wondered if we would ever get an animal visitor to our lodge while on safari. Many camps we've visited are quite literally in the bush, and some even required escorts with an armed guard at night. This lodge at Queen Elizabeth National Park was no different, and while we never had an animal spotting while being escorted, we narrowly missed this elephant while having breakfast!

Yes, this elephant was right next to our lodge while we were in the main facility, and we spotted him on our drive out for the day. Now that would've been a wakeup.

More Lions in the Grass

Queen Elizabeth National Park is known for its tree-climbing lions. Visitors to this park are often able to find these beauties high up the trees with a relatively unique vantage point for both the lions and photographers. We sadly did not see these. But we did get a nice glimpse of several more lions laying out in the distance, occasionally picking their heads up to watch the action (read: our Jeeps). This moment was snapped after a guide (from another company) got out of his car and ran to a ranger to talk to him- much to the chagrin of literally everyone there.

As a word of warning, don't do this. You might just end up being dinner.

Baby Gorilla at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Most everyone who visits Uganda goes there with one thing in mind- gorilla trekking. This is done at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in a hike that can be as little as a five-minute walk to a all-day trudge through the bush. Our guide managed to get us in with a relatively close family, and after a somewhat easy 45-minute hike, we were face to face with these gorgeous beasts. This little guy was a favorite of ours for being quite active, and after he slapped a friend of ours on the belly and ran away, he sat down for a little bit and I captured this shot.

As a side note, I won a NATJA Bronze award for this photo in the category of "Photography: Nature, Landscape, and Architecture (Online)" and was really pumped by that!

Walking Back to Our Lodge

Our celebration was shortlived; however, as we were quickly told that our Jeep was dead in the water. So while we were eagerly looking forward to a much-needed shower, we then had to walk several miles along the road back to our hotel. While this was uphill the entire way and was, in a word, awful, the sun parted and we had some pretty amazing views to enjoy along the way. Since this was our last day in Uganda, it seemed like a fitting photo to share as the last one in this virtual tour!

Do you have a favorite photo from this tour of Uganda? Comment below to share! Also be sure to check back soon for another virtual tour from around the world!

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