15 on 15 (Now is When You Do It)

By Milastolemyheart

Mila dear, we mark your 15th month today. I'm reading this to you right now because I want to tell you this: Be a Doer. Be brave in trying new things. Take that step. Even if you fall, you can always get up. Then try again. Dad and I will be here to guide you. But you have to be the one to do the things you need to do. We cannot experience the world for you, nor shelter you. I want you to be a trailblazer and not be be afraid of creating your own path. Explore. Learn. Act.

Go babe, run and explore

If you can’t find the right words to use,
use the words you have.
If you’re not sure what to do,
just get busy and do what you can. 
The way to learn how to improve whatever you’re doing
is to do it.
The more experience you give yourself,
the more readily you’ll see how to make it better. 
When you have the desire to make a difference,
start doing whatever you can.
The most effective way to figure out what to do
is to figure it out as you go along. 
What might sound good in theory
probably won’t work in practice.
Jump right in to the real world,
and you’ll learn very quickly what works and what doesn’t. 
You are at this moment just a few seconds away
from beginning to achieve whatever you wish to achieve.
Get started, and keep going. 
Achievement belongs to those who act.
Now is when you do it. 
- Ralph Marston

This was first shared to me by our (Pogi) Boss Terence. I'm yet to meet him personally but he is one of the most inspiring, sincere person I've know. He has this endless pit of positive thoughts he shares daily and I've told him I will steal this from him.