15 Interesting Stories Worth The Read: Coronavirus Edition

By A Girl In Nyc - Lifestyle Blog
Usually, our interesting stories series consists of news about fashion, fitness, entertainment, and carefree topics. In light of what's currently going on, we thought we'd provide you with a list of coronavirus resources, tips, and facts to help you survive this challenging time. (3-15-2020)

1. The question on everyone's mind- when will the coronavirus be over ?

2. If you're an apartment renter you need to read this.

4. This world map by Johns Hopkins University has become my go-to guide to track the coronavirus.

5. The best books (so far) this year.

6. There's no better time to try yoga, and here are five common types.

7. How long does the coronavirus stay on surfaces? How do I know if I have it? 16 of your most common questions are answered by an epidemiologist.

8. Stock up on popcorn (it lasts for a long time) and try this soy sauce butter recipe.

9. Self-care is so important, especially right now. Here are three things you can do that will help with worrying and calm your anxiety.

10. How to get a refund on entertainment tickets you purchased months ago.

11. You don't need to completely disconnect from the world-here are a few tips on how to be social during the pandemic.

12. Do we really need to worry about our pets catching the coronavirus?

13. For when you're trying to beat cabin fever, here's a list of pandemic and disaster movies that are streaming on Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and more.

14. With all the #PanicBuying, here are five websites that can help you track down crucial supplies.

15. This couldn't have come at a better time-Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington's tv show, Little Fires Everywhere premieres this Wednesday!

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