15 Inanimate Objects with Faces

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

These pieces of furniture, appliances, and other things you may find around your house have personalities all their own. Check out this grumpy grill and 14 other inanimate objects with faces.

This lawn chair is blissfully unaware of just how low he is priced.

Why the long face, buddy?

This chair may be excited to see you...

... but his friend is absolutely ecstatic!

What did you just say?!

He looks like he's just seen a ghost.

This oven is delighted to cook for you!

He looks like he knows a juicy secret...

... and they overheard it!

"Just try and disturb my baby - I dare you!"

Don't cry, little clock.

This dryer seems to be a bit under the weather.

"Did I hear there's cheese that needs grating?"

And, of course, the classic tub face.

15 Inanimate Objects with Faces by Sarah Marchant