15 Great ‘House of Geekery’ Articles

Posted on the 28 September 2013 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

No doubt some of you kind folks are looking at that heading and thinking “gosh, that’s awfully self-indulgent…what is this, Buzzfeed?” But there’s a reason why we’re looking at our own website today:

That’s right, we have reached the one million mark! Sure there’s some websites that knock out those kinds of numbers in an afternoon, but considering this is an organisation made up of passionate geeks using their spare time to share their hobbies I think we deserve a pat on the back. We’d also like to extend a special thank you to all those regular viewers who drop in frequently and help keep us motivated – we love seeing you pop up in the notifications. And to the lucky person who was the one millionth viewer CONGRATULATIONS! You get bees.


For those who joined us recently, or just have terrible memories, here’s some articles worth remembering. These weren’t selected based on their popularity or by committee, just me – G-Funk – being nostalgic.

‘Man of Steel’ Trailer Fails to Take Flight

Ok, this one is actually the most read article on the site, almost doubling the second place entry. And I got HATED on for it. I had the audacity to suggest that Man of Steel didn’t look very good, based purely on the teaser trailer. As many of my critics noted I couldn’t pass judgement on a film I hadn’t seen in spite of my clarification that I was working only from the teaser. Hypocritically some would tell me why the movie would be good. But whatever, the past is the past. It’s easy to look back in hindsight and pass judgement.


Funnily enough, none of them have been back since the movie was released.

As Bad As You Thought: The Human Centipede

Darknite is a brave, brave man. In this series he would watch the worst that cinema had to offer and weigh in on just how much they sucked. He watched Batman and RobinTwilight and the recent works of Kevin Smith. Of all the stomach churning disasters who has sat through none are quite as stomach churning as The Human Centipede.

Is Harley Quinn a Sympathetic Character?

I’m including this feature because it is one of the most enjoyable writing experiences I’ve ever had. I went into it without a pre-formed conclusion, rather spending the time researching and weighing up the different sides of one of my favourite characters. The summary I came to wound up being more grey area than I’d hoped for but I still feel very satisfied with it.

Old Hollywood Stars and their Contemporary Counterparts

Few people have an eye for casting like Jamie. Regular readers would be familiar with her brilliant pairing of characters with performers. In an original spin Jamie matched famous actors and actresses from the golden age of Hollywood with the stars of modern cinema. You’ll be amazed at how spot on this is.

10 Movies With Post Credit Easter Eggs

All geeks love a hidden secret whether it be trivia or a sneaky cameo. Sometimes it’s worth sitting through the long, long list of names scrolling up the screen to see if there’s an extra scene waiting for us. Here’s the ten best. Enjoy.

Top 5 Creepypasta

In the darkest corners of the internet there exists some terrible things. The Slender Man, Jeff the Killer, haunted amusement parks, buried Simpson episodes and more. These macabre tales get passed from forum to forum trying to spook the unawares. It has to be said, most are rubbish…but not these ones.

DC vs Marvel: Hawkeye vs Green Arrow

Between Paul and Jamie we’ve seen some fantastic match ups in their DC vs Marvel series. The one that generated the most discussion and debate was the archery contest that was Hawkeye and Green Arrow. Perhaps because they both fullfil a similar function in their respective teams or because they are similar in personality as well as skill set but this one continues to stir up interest.

For the record I voted Green Arrow. He’s got the better attitude.

20 Most Useless Websites Ever

In turns out that when Appa the Gypsy has a bunch of uni work to do she trawls the web looking for the most pointless, useless sites the world has to offer. My god these are useless.

Why I Hate Gwyneth Paltrow With A Passion

In spite of all my ranting and general cynicism I don’t dislike any famous people. I like them or I ignore them. There’s one exception, and anyone reading the site will have heard of it. I hate Paltrow. If you’ve ever wondered why, here it is.

Top 10 Sexiest Geeks

(Male and Female Editions)

There was some umming and ahing about whether or not this mini-series was in the spirit of the House of Geekery. In the end we ran it, remembering that all geeks are to be celebrated, and the response was tremendous.

Top 10 Romantic Movies For Geeks

It’s hard to say just what was better – the fun I had writing this feature or the brilliant response everyone had to it. It was great seeing so many of our fellow geeks in the mood for love!

Top 12 Easter Eggs in Pixar Films

What’s better than being a geek for things like Pixar is finding out that the geeks at Pixar have as much fun with their stuff as we do. There are so many awesome jokes and secrets hidden in their films it sometimes boggles the mind.

Slam Adams’ Top 10 ‘X-Files’ Episodes

The X-Files feels like it’s slipping into the realm of nostalgia. In spite of the recentish movie and this kind of drama series being hugely popular at the moment there hasn’t been the resurgence of interest that this show deserves. Remember to believe.

Why the ‘American Pie’ Reunion is Happening

When the House of Geekery was laying down the foundations the fourth American Pie movie was in the works. It touted a return of all the original performers, which lead us on a journey to find out what they’d been up to in the meantime. What we found was not pretty.


Because there’s few things we love more than the Dark Knight. Make sure you take in Jes’ examination of Nolan’s trilogy as the heroes journey, the Top 10 Batman Villains and a comprehensive guide to the movie villains.

Now that we’ve finished looking to the past it’s time to head towards the future with new writers, new articles and plenty of Geekery! We hope you stick around!