15 Facts About Me

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx


I hope you're all having a great week so far, it's been glorious sunshine for the past few days which has been lovely, except in the evenings when I'm trying to sleep anyway. But, we can't have everything our way can we! Seeing as I'm starting a fresh, I thought it would be apt to introduce myself with a bunch of new things about me, I always love reading them and learning about the person behind the blog so thought I'd have a go too!

I really struggle making small talk, it's not even like I don't try, I just struggle, I either say completely the wrong thing or I say nothing at all and there's this awkward and long silence.

I can quote word for word, the Bridget Jones films

13. I would love to buy run down houses, give them makeovers and sell them on, all those years of playing The Sims would finally pay off!

14. I have a weird case of claustrophobia, where I can't wear rings, makes me feel like I'm being suffocated. It's very odd.

15. I love board games! Monopoly, Scrabble, all the classics, invite me over for a games night and I'll be there!