15+ Delightful Vegan Lemon Recipes

By Rachel Conners @bakeritablog
Whether you're craving a tangy lemon treat or you've found yourself with an abundance of lemons to use, this list of Delightful Vegan Lemon Recipes will give you plenty of ways to use your citrus bounty and get your fix. With options for lemony vegan breakfasts, snacks, lemon dinner recipes, and healthy lemon desserts, you're sure to find the recipe for you.

I loveeee lemons. Like, really, really love them. When I first walked up to my home during the open house, I saw a lush, abundant Meyer lemon tree next to the front door. I was immediately smitten. Fresh lemons, all the time? Yes, please.

More of a lime lover? Have an abundant orange tree? See all my best lime recipes and favorite orange recipes!

Naturally, my endless lemon abundance has led to a number of scrumptious gluten-free lemon recipes - in addition to me squeezing lemon juice onto just about everything I eat. Since I don't eat eggs or dairy, all of these are dairy-free & eggless lemon recipes as well!

In this post, you'll find vegan gluten-free breakfast recipes, savory lemon recipes, and my favorite vegan lemon desserts. Enjoy!

Vegan Lemon Breakfast Recipes

Lemon is the perfect way to start the day! You'll love the tanginess it adds to these deliciously healthy gluten-free vegan breakfast recipes! These sweet breakfast treats are perfect for adding to your brunch table or making on a Sunday to enjoy for the week ahead.

Vegan Lemon Dinner Recipes

Lemon is the perfect touch to so many delicious savory dinner recipes! These two easy recipes pair together so fabulously. The lemon vinaigrette on the kale salad is one of my all time favorite vegan salad dressings for any salad!

Dairy-Free Lemon Dessert Recipes

When you think of "lemon recipes" most people immediately think of dessert - and for good reason! It pairs perfectly with the flavors of maple syrup, vanilla, and all of the other fabulous ingredients we use to make gluten-free, refined sugar-free desserts. From a tangy citrus vegan cheesecake, to chewy lemon cookies, and my favorite lemon cake, you're sure to find something you'll love.