15 Day Book Blogging Challenge: Flying Books

By Beautybutafunnygirl @beutybutfunygrl

Image Source: Good Books and Good Wine

Today's topic on the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, hosted by April of Good Books and Good Wine, is about the last book I flung across the room.
I don't fling my preciouses. They are gently placed down and left alone for a while. It's kind of like their punishment. Bad, book. Bad.
I will admit that I have thrown some of the Harry Potter books, specifically when certain characters died, but I haven't flung one since. Let's be serious. I don't like bent pages, covers, or spines. Why would I risk throwing a book across the room? The Harry Potter books were hardcover and big enough that I wasn't worried about them. They were fine.
I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out what book I last punished. Oh! I know what it was. Boundless by Cynthia Hand. If I flung books, it would have been flung. Of course, within the next chapter I was fine with everything so there would have been profuse apologizing.
What about you? Are you a book flinger or a put down and not read for a while type of person? What was the last book you punished?