15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Blogging Fatigue

By Beautybutafunnygirl @beutybutfunygrl

Image Source: Good Books and Good Wine

Today's topic on the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge, hosted by April of Good Books and Good Wine, is about how I fight my blogging fatigue.
Blogging is hard. So much harder than I thought when I started back in October. You have really got to keep up with things and make sure your posting in consistent. Keep things fresh and not cookie cutter. It's tough!
I had a bought of fatigue a few weeks ago where I was just over it. While I've gotten over the worst of it, I still post less than I did back then. I'm trying to be more engaging within the community and really post the memes I do participate in - Top Ten Tuesday and Feature & Follow. In the past I would just post on the ones I wanted to, but I'm making an effort to really posts all of them. I'm getting better, but not great - you'll notice that I haven't posted every day on the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge >.<
It's a lot to keep up on, while at the same time reading and maintaining some semblance of a life. So to fight it out, I take mini breaks. I read a book or two for me, no reviewing allowed. I don't sign up for cover revels (which I have stopped doing all together), book blitzes, or tours. I've cracked down on the tours I sign up for to books that really really really interest me and not just ones I'd think I'd like.
So it's a learning process and I'm still learning, but by having cut down on the promotions and such I join, it's made it a lot less stressful and the blogger fatigue a lot less frequent. I've learned to deal with it in my own little ways, what about you?