15 Best Pens for Back-to-School

Posted on the 31 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear


Taking notes with a pen that has a comfortable grip and an ink that flows smoothly like melted butter on hot bread just makes you want to take more notes. And that's, my friends, how you make your child become an A right this year. Jokes aside, there is a huge demand for finding the best pens for writing, drawing and beyond, so to accompany your daily planners we looked at the famous brands, the reviews of the reviews, and the real comments from the consumers to choose the best pens of the year. .

When you judge the performance of a pen, you are probably judging the ink drying time, whether or not the ink drips into the paper, the level of comfort when holding the pen and the price. Before shopping, it may be helpful to learn about the basic types of pens to better understand exactly what you are looking for:

  • Ballpoint pen: If you're looking for an everyday carrying pen, that's it. These reliable oil-based ink pens dry faster and dispense less ink while you write.
  • Ballpoint pen: These pens use water-based ink and are best for long writing. They write more gently and produce dark, clean lines.
  • Gel pen: A popular pen choice for middle schoolers due to the variety of colors, thanks to the pigment formula of the pen. These pens use a water-based gel ink that writes gently but takes longer to dry. But once completely dry, the ink will not move.
  • Marker pen: For ultimate and dark lines, markers are the way to go. They use water, oil, pigments and alcohol-based inks and often promise a permanent or waterproof finish. Because they are darker, they might be more likely to bleed through thin paper.

Whether you're a parent trying to tick off your child's school supplies shopping list or you're a professional, here are the best pens of 2020:

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Paper Mate

$ 15.46

This is the set to buy if your daughter has been talking about bullet journaling all summer. he has a range of bright colors that critics say dry quickly - which is convenient for writers or fast doodlers. Note that if several critics agree on the comfortable grip, some disagree on the claims that the pens do not stain. The set includes colors like Pure Blue Joy and Luscious Green, but also has a black pen for more regular use.

Muji is a Japanese brand that sells minimalist, high-quality home products like this best-selling gel pen. Unlike traditional gel pens, critics say the ink on this Muji pen will not stain. They like that the gel pen dries while you write, plus the fact that it has a finer point point than competing models. The brand offers a few pen sizes, but 0.38 millimeters, the size shown here, is the most popular.

Mont Blanc

$ 260.00

Montblanc is a luxury choice for sure, but it is a most sought after brand and known for producing an ultra-clean finish and optimal sharpness. The brand has a lot of history behind its name (its first fountain pens date back to the early 1900s), in addition the design has a signature silhouette, real gold trim and diamond accents on certain styles. In terms of writing performance, online critics have called it "the Rolex" of the pen world, while some users say that the cheaper pens work just as well. Yet when it comes to creating a clean, blank script, Montblanc is generally considered the cream of the crop.


$ 8.04

Online reviewers love this pen for its clean writing and long ink life. The brand says it writes just as neat and clean as a gel pen, but dries instantly. A reviewer says he carries the Jetstream like his everyday pen and appreciates the cap to prevent leaks. Other reviewers agree with the brand's claims that the pen is stain-free and say that even left-handed users would have no smearing problem.

Shanon Maglente
As a product and review assistant on GoodHousekeeping.com, Shanon covers the best deals and products for the home, appliances, health, beauty and parenting.

Lindsey Murray
Trends and reviews editor
Lindsey works with the Good Housekeeping Institute to test and revise products like appliances, bedding, baby items, etc.

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