15 Best Natural Appetite Suppressants – Control Food Cravings

By Barun K.

One of the major reasons behind weight gain is overeating. However, if you choose to eat the natural appetite suppressants, it can help you to feel satiated and prevent you from overeating. Also, since these arenatural, you are safe from the side effects of diet pills.

Well balanced meals also ensure that you have a healthy lifestyle. However, you need to make sure that you don’t only eat what provides you with the right nutrients but also keeps you feel full for a longer time.

Here are the 15 best natural appetite suppressants that make you feel full for a long time…

1. Almonds

One of the best sources of reducing appetite. It not only helps you to decrease the cholesterol levels by increasing the HDL levels (good cholesterol) but because it is slowly digested, it tends to stay in the stomach for a longer period.

It is also known to have ahigh content of Vitamin E, and thus it becomes a healthy diet for those who are looking to lose weight too.

2. Oat Meal

Even one bowl of oat meal can help you feel fuller longer. One cup of oats can help you get at least 10 grams of fiber.

Oat meal is known to be high in carbs, which take time to get digested and hence stay in the stomach for a long time.

Apart from this,oat meal also plays an important role in increasing the appetite-regulating hormone levels in the body, cholecystokinin. This helps in controlling hunger in general.

3. Green Tea

Mint tea or green tea both are known to have great health benefits, but only a few know that teas are also known to work as anappetite suppressant too.

It prevents you from emotional eating and also increases your metabolism.

Apart from this, green tea contains an ingredient, catechins, that helps to regulate the mobility of glucose in the fat cells. This ensures regulation of blood sugar levels, by avoiding high insulin levels, prevents fat storage.

5. Apple

Apple is one of the fruits that are full offiber. It not only helps to be full, but also the high water content assists it for working as an appetite suppressant.

Apples also contain pectin, an ingredient that helps the body prevent high blood sugar levels and also increases your energy levels. Another benefit with apple is that you have to chew it for a long time and this makes you feel less hungry.

6. Avocado

Avocado is another highly-fibrous fruit, which consists of healthy monounsaturated fat. This works effectively as an appetite suppressant when you consume it in moderate quantities.

The fats that are present in avocado send signals to your brain, conveying that your stomach is already full. This is what prevents you from eating a lot of them to be full.

7. Water

It is one of the easiest available appetite suppressants that you can find.

Drinking extra glasses of water every day or drinking water every time before you have a meal can be a good way to be full.

Drinking more water works effectively towards reducing calorie intake. If drinking water is not enough, you can try consuming fruits that have high water content, this might serve the same purpose.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes are known to contain starch that prevents digestive enzymes; this helps it stay in the stomach for a longer time, which keeps you full.

Also, they are considered to be healthy as they also contain Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

Considering sweet potatoes, they take a comparatively longer time to be digested.

Thus it is often preferred to consume sweet potatoes when you are looking for natural appetite suppressants.

9. Cayenne Pepper

Studies show that cayenne pepper can help you to boost your metabolism and helps the body burn more calories.

Also for individuals that do not eat spicy meals by adding cayenne pepper they can reduce their calorie intake.

Consuming spicy food, especially with added cayenne pepper can help you to be fuller and also help you consume up to 60 fewer calories in your next meal.

10. Coffee

Drinking coffee can help you to improve your metabolism and also act as an appetite suppressant.

Coffee contains caffeine as a main ingredient, which can help you to suppress your appetite for a short period.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar

It can also be added to the list as a food that suppresses your appetite.

It reduces your appetite by increasing the regulation of glucose into your bloodstream.

It helps to improve digestion and provides you with a lot of vitamins and minerals and also prevents you from getting exhausted. ACV can be used by simply adding them to your meals or dressing your salads with it.

12. Flax seeds or Chia seeds

Filled with soluble fiber and fatty acids, flax seeds are often found to be added toa smoothie or salad.

Both these seeds contain omega-3s, fiber, and protein, which help as a weight loss solution.

Flax seeds consist of omega-6 fatty acids that help the body to increase its cholecystokinin levels that suppress hunger. Even chia seeds contain alot of soluble fiber which helps to reduce hunger cravings.

13. Ginger

Ginger has always been used as an ingredient for improving the digestive powers.

When you combine ginger to your dishes or even smoothies, it works as a stimulant, which provides the body with energy and improves digestion. This makes it an effective appetite suppressant, keeping you from being hungry.

14. Eggs

Eggs can act as a good appetite suppressing diet too.

It is found that individuals that eat egg in their breakfast feel full for almost over 24 hours, as compared to eating bagels that have thesame amount of calories.

Also by eating eggs, you are likely to eat 330 fewer calories in the day, which is more in comparison to individuals that prefer bagels in their breakfast.

14. Vegetable soups or juice

Vegetable soups can be considered as the emergency food that you look to when you want to get filled quickly. Also with vegetables, you are more likely to take fewer calories.

Even vegetable juices are known as a safe way to suppress appetite, so make sure you take in more veggies. It is also found that one glass of vegetable juice before meals can help you take fewer overall calories.

15. Cinnamon

Add cinnamon to your tea or coffee, you can also sprinkle it on your cereal, oatmeal while having breakfast.

Spices like cinnamon and cloves help the body to reduce blood sugar levels, which in turn works to regulate control over appetite. Also consuming such spices help you to reduce calorie consumption which aids weight loss too.