14th Anniversary Flowers

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Once you reach this magic milestone, celebrating your wedding anniversary might leave you scratching your head in terms of gift ideas. The good news is that the traditional approach ensures that you always have something different to present to your spouse every year! So, if you are looking for 14 th anniversary flowers, you are in luck! Here are some flower and gift ideas with a sentimental touch.

The perfect anniversary flowers

For this year of marriage, you should definitely shop around for beautiful orchids. Now, orchids are lovely as cut flowers but they last even longer as potted plants. These plants are exotic and elegant which means that you can be certain your spouse will love them. When you present these anniversary flowers to your spouse, remember to let them know that they are a symbol of your affection and understanding.

Traditional and modern gifts

The traditional gifts for every anniversary were determined many years ago. The traditional gift for the 14 th anniversary is ivory. Of course, as mentioned, these traditions are sometimes a bit dated and your spouse might prefer the modern gift - gold jewellery. Take note of what your spouse already owns, what they love and shop accordingly. If they have a favourite piece of jewellery that requires repairs or resetting of stones, this is another lovely gift idea.

Don't forget the colour

Just like the traditional gift for this year of marriage, the colour associated with this year is ivory. So, if you are not inclined to buy your spouse a potted orchid, you could choose ivory anniversary flowers instead. Just ask your florist about the blooms they have in this colour and ask them to come up with a romantic design.

Now that you know all about the best anniversary flowers and gifts for your 14 th year of marriage, there is no excuse! It's time to start shopping and making plans for this very special day. This is the day on which you will create even more meaningful memories for the years ahead.