13 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Cashew Milk Every Day

Posted on the 16 June 2019 by Rinkesh @ThinkDevGrow

Benefits of Cashew milk include addition for a healthy diet, rich in nutrients, good for heart health, weight management, good for bone health, vital for good eye health, blood sugar control, anticancer effects, good for healthy brain function, boosts immune health, good for healthy skin, can prevent anemia, usage is versatile and is easily available.

With the increasing popularity of non-dairy products, cashew milk has become the most preferred product. Compared to other non-dairy products, cashew milk is creamier, sweeter and more versatile. The milk is high in B-vitamins. It is also rich in vitamin D and monounsaturated fatty acids. The milk also contains important minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, calcium, potassium, and zinc.

Unlike other nut-sourced milk, cashew milk does not contain pulp, which means consumers get all the creamy deliciousness as it does not require straining. Besides, the milk can be used in various recipes that include coffee, tea, soups, mashed potatoes, smoothies, cereal, and salad dressing. Cashew milk is increasingly becoming popular among vegans and people who suffer from lactose intolerance. Here are 13 amazing health benefits of drinking Cashew Milk.

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Cashew Milk

1. Versatile addition for a healthy diet

For those who cannot take animals milk for health or personal reasons, cashew milk is a perfect alternative as it does not contain lactose. Cashew milk can be used as an alternative to cow’s milk in most recipes including baked goods, smoothies, and hot or cold cereals.

The milk can also be added into sauces to make them creamier. It is also increasingly being used to make ice cream, coffee drinks, tea drinks, and chocolate drinks thanks to its rich creamy texture. The milk is also readily available from most stores.

2. Rich in nutrients

The popularity of cashew milk is largely due to its nutrients that include protein, healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. However, it is important to note that homemade cashew milk can have varying amounts of nutrients compared to commercial cashew milk. It is also worth noting that commercial cashew milk products are usually fortified with minerals and vitamins resulting in higher amounts of different nutrients.

Nevertheless, some commercially available varieties may contain added sugars, preservatives and oils, which mean that you must be vigilant when buying cashew milk from a store. Some of the nutrients you get from cashew milk include unsaturated fatty acids that boost heart health, magnesium that plays a vital role in regulating blood pressure, heart health, and nerve function.

3. Good for heart health

Cashew milk contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which mean that consuming the milk will lead to good heart health as opposed to consuming products with less healthy ones. Studies have also shown that cashew milk contains magnesium and potassium, which play a vital role in boosting and preventing heart disease. In fact, studies have shown that intake of potassium can lower the risk of stroke by up to 24-percent.

Research has also found that cashew can help reduce the risk for many heart disease triggers including high blood pressure, obesity, and cholesterol. It is also beneficial on inflammation, oxidative stress levels, and vascular activity. Cashew milk also contains special phytosterol compounds that prevent the formation of plaque within the artery walls.

4. Weight management

People struggling with weight can greatly benefit by making cashew milk part of their daily diet. Studies have shown that cashew milk does not contribute to weight gain but it actually helps in weight management. Although cashews contain about 46-percent fat, they also contain other important minerals that help reverse weight gain.

The rich fiber can make you feel fuller reducing the need for unhealthy snacking and overeating. Furthermore, cashew milk is rich in plant-based protein particularly the L-arginine, which boosts vascular circulation and reactivity.

5. Good for bone health

Studies have established that cashew milk can protect against bone demineralization thanks to the high presence of magnesium, potassium, and calcium. The high presence of vitamin K also makes cashew milk a good bone-building element. In fact, single serving cashew milk can provide up to 12-percent of the daily vitamin K needs.

Making cashew milk part of your daily diet can help prevent deficiency in vitamin K. Furthermore, together with other essential nutrients like calcium, Vitamin K helps to maintain good bone health by supporting mineralization and maintenance of bone density. Good bone health is vital for general wellness as it reduces the risk of bone fractures.

6. Vital for good eye health

Since cashews contain zeaxanthin and lutein antioxidants, taking cashew milk on a regular basis can help cellular damage caused by free radicals in the eyes. Research has found that there is a link between poor retinal health and low levels of zeaxanthin and lutein in the blood.

Other studies have shown that consuming foods rich in zeaxanthin and lutein can help reduce the likeliness of developing macular degeneration (AMD), which can trigger vision loss. Researchers have also found that people with a high presence of zeaxanthin and lutein in their blood are 40-percent less likely to suffer from advanced AMD. Consuming high levels of antioxidants can also lead to a lower risk of cataracts in older people.

7. Blood sugar control

Studies have shown that drinking cashew milk can be beneficial to people suffering from diabetes. One of the ingredients of cashew milk is the anacardic acid that is vital in stimulating the uptake of circulating blood sugar resulting in better blood sugar control in the body. Furthermore, cashew milk is a better alternative for people suffering from diabetes as it does not contain lactose.

8. Anticancer effects

Studies have shown that cashew milk can help prevent the development of some cancer cells. The anacardic acid, which is an effective antioxidant, helps to protect the body from high levels of damage caused by free radicals.

The free radicals are highly harmful to body cells and can cause oxidative stress, which can trigger cell mutation, DNA damage and the formation of a cancerous tumor. Research has shown that regularly consuming cashew products can help prevent some cancers that include prostate, colon, skin, breast, and liver.

9. Good for healthy brain function

The brain highly relies on healthy fatty acids as it is mostly made up of fat. Cashew nuts are a major source of natural-plant based fat. Taking cashew milk on a regular basis can help aid in healthy aging, cognitive function and even regulation of mood. The nutrients of cashew milk can help support multiple brain processes and cognitive abilities by controlling membrane fluidity, synaptic transmission, and neurotransmitter pathways.

The cashew milk nutrients that greatly contribute to good brain function include healthy fats, iron, copper and zinc, which are present in high content. It is also worth noting that the deficiency of healthy PUFA and MUFA fatty acids can lead to a higher risk of suffering mental disorders such as anxiety, dyslexia, ADHD, and dementia.

10. Boosts immune health

Milk derived from cashews is loaded with zinc and antioxidants, which may help boost immunity. Since cashew milk is rich in antioxidants, studies have shown that it can help reduce the inflammation in the body resulting in improved immunity.

Furthermore, zinc, which is a major nutrient of cashew milk can help the body create immune cells that fight infections and diseases. Research has shown that there is a relation between low levels of zinc in the blood and increased presence of inflammatory markers like the C-reactive protein (CRP).

11. Good for healthy skin

Copper is a major component of cashew milk. Therefore, taking cashew milk on a regular basis offers the benefits of consuming copper including the creation of skin proteins for optimal skin health. It also helps in regulating the production of elastin and collagen, two of the essential proteins that contribute to skin strength and elasticity.

Skin experts encourage individuals to maintain high levels of collagen to ensure good skin. It is also proven that inadequate collagen in the body can trigger rapid skin aging. Making cashew milk part of your daily diet will not only enhance the natural production of collagen but it will also help to keep your skin young and healthy.

12. Can prevent anemia

If the body cannot get adequate iron, it will not be able to create enough hemoglobin necessary for transportation of oxygen in the blood. Inadequate supply of iron is associated with dizziness, fatigue, cold hands, cold feet, shortness of breath and in severe cases anemia among other symptoms.

A study on women found that those with low iron intake are six times more likely to develop anemia compared to those with adequate iron consumption. Therefore, a proven way of ensuring an adequate supply of iron is making cashew milk part of your daily diet.

13. Its usage is versatile and is easily available

Since cashew milk does not contain lactose, it is suitable for those who cannot take dairy milk. It is also a healthy and versatile addition to any diet. It is also easy to make cashew milk at home. To make cashew milk, you need to blend about 130 grams of soaked cashews with about 3 to 4 cups of water until smooth.

Before you blend the nuts, you should soak them in hot water for about 15 minutes. You can also soak the nuts in room temperature for about 2 hours or even longer. Once the blend is smooth, you can sweeten the milk with honey, dates, or even maple syrup. It is also not uncommon to see people add cocoa powder, sea salt, and vanilla extract.