13 Most Popular Posts of 2015 on Inside Out Style

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Recently I’ve been sharing some of my readers favorite blog posts, the ones they have found have really shaped their styles (Katie, Carol, Corey, Ruth, Kaira, Celine’s favourites) and it got me wondering what were the most read posts of 2015 by all my lovely blog readers?  So I delved into my Google Analytics to discover the results and which were the most read, most popular posts I wrote in 2015.

Top 13 Most Popular Posts of 2015 (from content written in 2015)

  1. Best Skirt For Your Body Shape
  2. Essential skirt length and shoe selection guide
  3. Body Shape Bibles  – Get Your Body Shape Bible here
  4. Printable Guide to Creating Wardrobe Capsules
  5. What Does Knowing Your Body Shape Really Tell You?
  6. Best Pants For Your Body Shape
  7. 10 Ways Personality is More Important Than Body Shape
  8.  Before You Throw it all out for a Minimalist Wardrobe Read This
  9.  Why Colour Analysis Has Moved Beyond the Seasons
  10. How to Take a Good Selfie Photo
  11. 5 Ways to Style a Skirt
  12. Value Contrast and Your Value
  13. What Type of Pants Suit Knock Knees and Curvy Calves

It was interesting to me that the most commonly read posts were mostly related to body shape or some aspect of dressing your body shape.

So what were your favorite posts of 2015?

Please share in the comments!