12/9: Quopic of the Day

Posted on the 10 December 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

When coming up with today’s Quopic of the Day…I wanted to share something with you, “just because”!

Just because this was the first real kiss between Eric and Sookie on True Blood…

Just because Eric was trying to say ‘goodbye’… *sobs*

Just because we can’t get enough of their kissing scenes…

Just because we need to see it again because Pam interrupted it with her “blah, blah, vampire emergency, blah”…DAMNIT!

Just because

Here’s the Quopic of the Day for December 9th!

Just because I’m tired, need to get to bed soon, and I wanted something to give me Swede dreams…good night!

What are your thoughts about this scene? Share them below!