Quite simply, we decided to use a quote by Charlaine Harris at the Washington Post live chat we were a part of a few months ago! We hope this reassures you, that the ending can only go one of two ways…either Sookie will be alone or she will end up with Eric! You don’t have to worry about Sam, Bill, Alcide or anybody else!
Here’s the Quopic of the Day for December 16th!
CH: I don’t write absolutes. I don’t write the kind of “happily ever after” that romance readers enjoy. I’m not saying that “happily ever afters” are a bad thing, and I’m not saying Sookie will never be happy … but she’s not going to settle down and start a family and have the white picket fence.
Now, this is what I get from this quote…
- The idea of having kids and having a white picket fence is not everyone’s idea of a happy ending. I’m married, but have no kids, and I’m not sure if I’m ever going to. I don’t have a picket fence, but if we decided to build one, we could. (I would much rather replace my windows and get central air conditioning! LOL) Regardless, I’m incredibly happy! I’m glad we’re not saddled down with kids, and able to do whatever we want, whenever we want. By listening to my friends, it’s sometimes hard having to find a decent babysitter you can rely on. Who needs that?
- Sookie and Eric can live happily ever after – in a way which benefits both of them and their personalities.
- If Eric and Sookie really wanted to have children, they could always adopt.
- Charlaine has told us many, many times, she’s NOT a romance writer, she’s a mystery writer.
- In the same chat where we got this quote from, she answered one of our questions about Eric being a romance hero. This is what she said;
Q. Just curious…
Earlier in this chat, someone asked about your thoughts on Eric. I was wondering why you are always seem surprised by the amount of love fans have for him, since he’s a “ruthless anti-hero murderer” and all? -September 07, 2011 12:33 PM A. Charlaine Harris :I’m not surprised that people find him attractive. I certainly tried to make him so! I am surprised that people seem to sometimes see him as a typical romance hero . . . which he’s not.
There you have it. Eric is not a typical romance hero. Eric and Sookie aren’t your typical romantic couple. So why should Eric and Sookie have a typical HEA?
What are your thoughts? Share ‘em below!