12 Travel Board Games Every Traveler Needs to Try

By Monkeys And Mountains Adventure @Laurel_Robbins

It's no secret that I am an avid hiker so when I found a board game that lets you experience the US National Parks in a fun way, I didn't give it a second thought before ordering it from Amazon. The game lets you compete for points by claiming park cards and collecting trail stones as you race across the country. Each park card offers an interesting fact as well as a great image. It is the best way to experience the outdoors from the comfort of your home. It is a great family game and may even get your family members into hiking if you're lucky.

Much like Clue, Scotland Yard has players chasing Mister X, an escaped criminal mastermind who is hiding in London. Players are detectives from Scotland Yard and use travel tickets to chase down Mister X by taxi, bus, and underground. Discover iconic sites such as Picadilly Circus and the banks of the River Thames. Travel through London and discover what the city has to offer, all from home. This board game is a great way to get new ideas if you want to travel to London. I know it helped me find a few hidden gems before my last trip there.

This fantastic game for 2-5 players is fun and easy to learn. It is also a great educative game for kids. It is like dominoes but with maps. Build a map by connecting countries that share a common border. Race to be the first player to play all your country cards. Use strategy to keep your opponents from finishing before you.