12 Shoes for 12 Lovers | Exhibition by Sebastian Errazuriz | Art

By Saharg @Saharghazale

The idea of this exhibition is beautiful in every way. The fact that the artist designed 12 sculptural shoes representing 12 different relationships in his life and crafted with such beautiful detail is amazing. On the website dedicated to this exhibition, he has a story written under each of the shoes representing the relationship that inspired it. I attached the photos of the images available till today, will add the last one once uploaded to his website. Which one is your favorite?

In 12 SHOES for 12 LOVERS Sebastian Errazuriz explores for the first time the question of love and sex through the memory of 12 previous relationships.

His exhibition is an attempt to go through the reminiscence of former lovers who are the inspiration for each Shoe Sculpture.

The sculptures are accompanied by personal photos and stories in which Errazuriz reveals a glimpse of each relationship and in the process exposes himself to scrutiny and judgment. 

Sebastian Errazuriz’s work looks to expose contradictions and absurdities that challenge everyday life precepts and address deeply-seated taboos.

12 SHOES for 12 LOVERS is an extension of the artist’s’ penchant for addressing controversial topics by confronting these through the prism of his own experience as expressed through his work. Furthermore, it is an expression of Errazuriz’s commitment to applying to himself the same unyielding attitude with which he challenges established norms in art and design.

“When I started this process I never imagined where it would end up, it’s been infinitely more complex, revealing and difficult than I thought. »

The original names of the women have been replaced to protect their identity.

Shoe number two is called ‘Cry Baby’, and for some reason I found the design very beautiful. looks like she stepped in a puddle of milk!

‘The Virgin’ might cause some controversy.

‘The Boss’ is the perfect name for this one and I feel will appeal to many women  

Sebastian Errazuriz Studio thanks Melissa Pop Up Shop for their help and support that made this project possible. 




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