Here are 12 inexpensive date ideas for you and significant other to enjoy!
1. Visit a local food truck together or try share small local foods
2. Go to the grocery store to buy ingredients together and spend the time preparing dinner and dessert together. One could even do dinner while the other does dessert!
2. Have a "Game Night" at home just the two of you! Some games we love to play together are "Sorry", Mancala and various card games!
3. Check out free cooking classe and sign up to take one together!
4. See if your favorite movie is on Netflix, grab popcorn and your favorite candy and enjoy a night in!
5. Build a fort together out of pillows, blankets and couch cushions!
6. If it's warm where you live, visit a new hiking trail and pack a picnic together!
7. Enjoy a local concert or go through old songs you used to listen too and try to name the tune/sing the lyrics ( Zach always tends to mess this one up ha ! )
8. Try Youtube Dance Lessons
9. Build a fire and make s'mores together
10. Put together a puzzle ( we're still working on ours! )
12. Enjoy in at home spa night
What are some of your favorite things to do together?