12 Amazing Steps to Drive Viral Traffic

Posted on the 10 July 2014 by Suprabhat
I have seen many of blog post getting waste mainly because writers and content marketers don't understand How Content Marketing Works in this Modern Era.

Today you will learn How to be a Better Content Marketer by following 12 steps. 

Learn How I use Reddit to Drive Massive Traffic

Many newbie blogger daily ask me "Why I am not getting traffic even if i wrote quality content?". As you have seen many pro bloggers saying "Content is the king".  Recently I am very impressed by Enstine Muki post i.e If Content is KIND , Where is the Kingdom so every new blogger just rely on Build and waiting for audience to come this thing only work for those who are in blogging field from long time, who have high SEO blog post and high authority. But don't worry after reading this article you will get to know about 12 Amazing Steps To do after writing new blog post to drive Viral Traffic always.

There are only two person who know about your new blog post is you and your RSS Feed Subscribers. And other comes from Social Media and Search Engine if you write search engine optimized article and share your post on popular Social Media like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Rather than relying on Search Engine content marketer have to make some plans for targeted promotions to ensure that each piece of content is consumed by your ideal customers.

Below is screenshot of my Yesterday Blog stats According to Google Analytic

12 Things you must do To Drive Viral Traffic

1. Optimize Blog Posts :- 

Scan your blog post content pick out some main terms. Use this terms in Google Adwords Free Keyword Selection tools, and identify some most popular search keywords come back to your blog again. Then add those keywords in your blog post in Title, Subtitle , Headings.

2. Syndicate your Blog Content :- 

One of the most powerful and misunderstood mechanism of any blog is its RSS Feeds. This method allow you to automatically feed your blog posts to many different places those who are subscribed your blog RSS Feeds.

3. Shorten Your Blog URL :-

This step is used and applied when posting on Twitter but with addition of analytics to many URL shortening services like [ Bit.ly, Ow.ly ] then posting shortened Url on Social media is smart strategy.

Read more here :-  How you can make money by shortening URL

4. Tailor Your Status Updates :- 

You can just type your Blog post headline and blog link in status box of various social media. But it's not sure it will help you drive traffic. To get viral traffic from social media you need to run experiments by using different size status and on different different days.Read More :-  How to get more traffic to your blog

5. Post Teasers on Other Websites :-

Most of Social networkings sites and forums help you promote your content as long as it is relevant. To some viral traffic write a compelling headline or ask question with your blog post URL at the bottom and at last ask readers to give feedback so that discussion goes on continues.

6. Bookmark your Content :- 

While this technique rarely helps, but bookmarking your new post on social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit, Delicious and Stumbleupon can still be a great source. The key to get success in this social bookmarking sites is by giving more than you get.

7. Comment on Other Blogs :-

Providing helpful and valuable comments on other blogs will surely help you drive. You might have seen some Pro bloggers like Harleena Singh, Enstine Muki  commenting on my blog this is because i provide them valuable comments, this also help me in building backlinks. So develop relationship with other bloggers through comments.

8. Seek and Assist on Twitter :- 

Genuine assistance is one of the best way to build community of loyal Twitter followers. Search for blog topic relevant to you and share your post with people who are asking for guidance.

9. Add to Email Signature :-

Yet another little and powerful technique is to add your latest blog post link in email signature. You will find many apps like Wisestamp for gmail. This will put your latest blog post headline into your email signature automatically.

10. Share Your Blog post with Targeted audience :-

If you have email list of customer than it is great but if you don't have it start building it today. This will help you share your content more easily with your ideal targeted audience.

11. Add your Blog Post in Next Newsletter :- 

If you had an e-newsletter then add your some of your blog post in it with proper analytic code which will help you understand which post are getting popular and which type of blog post your audience like so this will give you ideas for future content.

12. Ask other Blogger to share your post :- 

This thing will only work if you had build an great relationship with other bloggers, so that you can ask other bloggers for to share your new blog post.

Would you like to know :- How I drive Traffic and create backlinks in 1 minute

So these are those 12 Amazing Steps to Drive Viral Traffic to your New blog post which i am following from the beginning of my blogging Journey which help me to get 1000+ Daily Visitors, Alexa under 75k and good DA and PA.