1/13: Quopic of the Day

Posted on the 14 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Today is Friday the 13th!!!!

What would make a great Quopic of the Day for a day like this?  Well…it won’t be pretty. Probably scary. Most likely it’s a terrifying, horrible sight!

Since that obviously doesn’t describe Eric and/or Sookie…you’ll have to guess who!

WARNING: This Quopic is extremely scary! Please cover your eyes and turn off your monitor, if it becomes too disturbing to you!

Are you ready? Grab your blindfold and have a barf bag handy…

Here’s the Quopic of the Day for Friday, January 13th!

*screams* I’m scared…*ducks underneath the bed*

Oh, look…it’s that punk…Queen Beehl! What a scary sight! Between his spiked hair and his fake fangs…he’s one freaky-looking Queen, that’s for sure! All that’s missing from this pic, is his crown!

Oh wait…there it is!

What are your thoughts? Share them below!
