11 Things to Know Before Getting Dental Braces

Posted on the 31 March 2023 by Reza Sartipi

You have decided to move forward with receiving dental braces, congratulations!
Maybe you have even scheduled your appointment, and as the date gets closer, more and more questions arise.
We are here to help!
In this article, we will cover the most important things to know before getting dental braces.
These 8 tips will make you an expert patient and walk into your first appointment with confidence.

Top 11 things To Know Before Getting Dental Braces

Even if you had orthodontic treatment as a child or teen, you might realize as an adult that your smile isn’t what it used to be. And if you’ve never had the orthodontic treatment, you may find your smile getting even worse as you age.

The good news is you’re never too old for orthodontic treatment. But what should you know before getting dental braces? We offer top tips for considering dental braces or aligners.

1. Dental Cleaning

The first thing you should know is that you should have a dental cleaning done before your braces appointment.

Your orthodontist might even require you to have dental cleaning before your appointment based on your oral hygiene, and even if they do not need it, it is still recommended.

Your teeth must be immaculate to ensure that your dental braces are correctly attached to your teeth.

When you schedule your braces appointment, let your orthodontist know your last cleaning.

2. Lip Balm

Our second tip is to bring lip balm or chapstick. When you put your braces on, your orthodontist will need your teeth to dry. Cotton swabs or pressured air may dry out the surface of your teeth, causing your lips to dry out.

You will also have cheek retractors, which could add to the discomfort.

Chapstick can save your dry lips and make the process more comfortable.

Some orthodontists may provide chapstick for you, but it’s better to bring some just in case.

3. Orthodontic Wax

After your dental braces are put on, getting used to them may take some time.

The brackets and wires will rub on the inside of your mouth, making them uncomfortable until you get used to them.

During this time, you can place the wax in any area rubbing it against your mouth to relieve discomfort.

Wax will be handy throughout your treatment, so stocking up is a good idea.

4. Diet

Tip number 4, be prepared to adjust your diet.

Braces will limit what you can eat moving forward, so it is a good idea to be aware of what to avoid beforehand.

Sticky and hard candies are a common way to break brackets.  

If you have a favorite chewy candy, enjoy it before your appointment.

Sticking to soft foods and cutting up your food before chewing it is the best way to protect your braces while eating.

To learn more about the food you can and cannot eat, check out our other articles on our website.

5. you may experience soreness but not pain.

Everyone has a different pain tolerance level but most people would consider braces to not be painful.
However, it is common to experience soreness after your appointment is over because the pressure from the wire will start to move your teeth.
If you are concerned about soreness you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever before your appointment.
Minors should receive their parent’s permission before taking any pain relievers.
It is also a good idea to eat before your appointment so you do not need to worry about eating right after, which will give the soreness time to subside.


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6. be prepared to talk a little differently

your speech might change.

This might be less noticeable than you think but it is common for people to talk differently after they have their braces put on.

Denal braces could make it harder to talk, but there are some cases where it is easier to talk.

Any speech changes are only temporary and once you are used to wearing braces you will no longer notice the changes.

7. oral hygiene can become more difficult.

Oral Hygiene becomes harder after putting on braces.

Not only can braces make it harder to brush and floss, but it also makes it more important to keep up with your oral hygiene.

If you do not clean your teeth consistently, when your braces come off you could leave stains behind.

There are tools you can use such as a proxabrush that can help you clean the areas in between your brackets.

To learn more about how to properly clean your dental braces check out our  other articles.

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8. be prepared for more appointments

More Appointments are needed when you are being treated.

It is important to remember that your treatment has just begun and you will still have many appointments before treatment is over.

Your next appointment will be an adjustment appointment which will allow your doctor to evaluate your progress and make any changes necessary.

These are the most common types of appointments and are typically scheduled every seven weeks.

9. get the right toothbrush

a toothbrush with soft bristles is recommended because the bristles are better able to get around the brackets and wires.

We also recommend looking into getting an electronic toothbrush. Most electronic toothbrushes have rounded heads and soft bristles making it easier to clean around the braces.
If needed you can also look into getting a water flosser because those are great for getting around those hard-to-reach areas.

10. Stock Up on Soft Foods

You should stock up on soft foods at home ahead of time. You may feel sore after your dental braces are put on. Make sure to have plenty of soft foods ready to go ahead of time at home.

For example, smoothies, soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, Etc. We recommend avoiding hard, crunchy, sticky foods; from now on, you’ll have to cut all your Foods into smaller pieces.

11. eat before your appointment

putting on your dental braces can take longer than expected, and we don’t want you to get hungry halfway through the appointment.

 Many people find eating difficult after their braces are put on, so we recommend having a good meal before coming in. If you want to eat anything crunchy or hard, now’s the time.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit our website. Thanks for reading this article. Make sure to check out our other articles.