11 Random Things Game

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj
I was invited to join in on 11 Random Things by The Worstest Mommy. And since I love a challenge I happily accepted it. So here are the rules...
 The Rules:
  1. Post these rules.
  2. Post 11 random things about yourself.
  3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
  4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  5. Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them.
My 11 Random Things:
  1. I have been a magicians assistant.
  2. I am a professional clown; just call me Sparkles the Clown!
  3. When I was in school I played drums so I wouldn't have to learn how to read music.
  4. I learned how to read music anyways because I always ended up stuck with the xylophone being the only girl drummer and having some knowledge already on how to read music.  I ended up taking piano lessons.
  5. I have two tattoos and since it has been 11 years since I got my last one I'm really itching for a new one.
  6. I was a red head as a child and I hated it.  Now I would do anything to have that color back!
  7. I most definitely was not blessed with a green thumb.  Seriously, if something isn't telling me in some way that it's hungry or thirsty I just will not feed and water it.
  8. The movie The Water Boy was partially filmed at my college while I attended there. 
  9. The one time I tried to play a practical joke it totally flopped.  I tried to make the fountain at my college overflow with bubbles, but I didn't manage to get a single bubble.
  10. I do not like anything that has any form of ground meat.  It doesn't matter if it's chicken or turkey it all tastes the same to me and I do not like it.  So no I will not eat a hamburger!
  11. All my life I just wanted to be a stay at home mom and I have been fortunate enough to be able to do that for the past 12 years.

Answers to Worstest Mommy's Questions:
  1. What is your favorite thing to drink?  Pepsi for non alcoholic drinks and Strawberry Daiquiri for alcoholic.
  2. What is your favorite color?  Blue.
  3. What is your favorite vegetable?  Carrots.
  4. What is your favorite season?  Fall, which is odd considering I love FL and I love fall because of all the changing leaves.  Something you will not see in FL.
  5. Do you collect anything? Umm children?  Nah, seriously I have a collection of porcelain dolls, but unfortunately I have not added to it in forever and I do not have them on display either.
  6. Do you have a hobby?  Used to be the piano, but now I'd have to say baking!  Or maybe blogging, but that seems to be turning into more of a job.
  7. What is your favorite movie from the 80's? Space Balls!
  8. What is the best vacation you have been on? Hmmm, probably our vacation to FL almost 7 years ago when my cousin got married.  We took the kids to Disney for the first time.
  9. Where do you live?  Connecticut.
  10. How did you meet your spouse or partner?  At work at a coffee house.  Actually, I just wrote about our relationship since we just celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary.
  11. Who is your favorite author? It's a toss up between John Grisham and Mary Higgins Clark.
My Questions for You!
  1. Do you use a spoon or a fork to eat macaroni and cheese?
  2. How many candles were on your last birthday cake?
  3. Do you have any pets?  If so what?
  4. What is your natural hair color?
  5. What color are your eyes?
  6. Have you ever gone toilet papering?
  7. Ever been in a car accident?
  8. What's your favorite sport (to watch and/or play)?
  9. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
  10. What's your favorite sports team?
  11. Who's your favorite band?
Now go check out the 11 people I'm tagging in this! 
  1. Renee: My Special Ks
  2. Jenny: Sippy Cup Chronicles
  3. Erin: Small Town Mom Living in a Big City
  4. Libby: Libby's Library
  5. Kristina: Twins in Tow
  6. Chacoy: Living in LaLa Land Blog
  7. Jessie: Mom Vantage
  8. Rebecca: Unexpecting 
  9. Courtney: One Bored Mommy
  10. Dominique: Dominique's Desk
  11. Dana: The Weenie Roaster 
I look forward to seeing everyone's response.  Even if I didn't tag you here if you want to give this a go please come back and comment and tell me.