Janelle of Run With No Regrets, one of our Readers’ Workouts participants, nominated me for a Liebster Award yesterday. Thank you so much! I’m honored.
Since I recently did another variation of the Liebster, I thought I would do an abbreviated version of this one and make it all fitness-themed. So, here are 11 random facts about me that are related to exercise.
2. I have iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), so I don’t run anymore. I hoped it would disappear when I lost my excess weight, but no such luck.
3. I broke two bones in my life, both while being active. The first was on my 12th birthday when I attempted an aerial cartwheel but only got about two-thirds of the way around, landing on my wrist. The second was in my early 20s when I drove my bike into a ditch during a training ride, breaking my collar bone.
4. I took dance lessons through 8th grade and have often used dance as part of my exercise since then.
5. I lettered in volleyball in high school my junior year.
6. I injured my right neck and shoulder trying to perfect an overhand serve my senior year and missed the whole season. My “old volleyball injury” still acts up sometimes.
7. Due to the old volleyball injury, I’ve always had to keep my shoulders stretched. As a result, I can do a surprising number of the trickier upper body yoga poses including Gomukhasana (clasping hands behind back), Garudasana (twisted arms in front), and Pashchima Namaskarasana (reversed prayer pose).
8. I was a star player on my intramural inner tube water polo team in college. I played with the In-Town Students Association and our team name was ITSA Shark.
9. I took several snow-shoeing vacations to northern Minnesota and the upper peninsula of Michigan.
10. I have a treadmill in the basement. I occasionally use it (but it’s been awhile).
11. I have four sets of dumbbells. I never use the 1-pound and 2-pound ones, anymore, but I still use the 4-pound and 5-pound ones.
Does anyone else want to present 11 random facts about yourself today? Consider yourself nominated!
For Readers’ Workouts, talk about your fitness activities on your blog (feel free to grab the logo) and link to your post below or join us in the comments! Be sure to visit the other participants to see how we all did.