11 Incredible Uses Of Essential Oils You Should Know

Posted on the 08 December 2019 by Ang L @ALifestyle4

Essential oils have the potential to cure a wide range of problems, starting from acne all the way to anxiety.

However, before you start using essential oils in your daily life, it is crucial to understand what exactly essential oils are.

Essential oil is basically the essence that is extracted from plants, which then undergoes the process of distillation to capture the flavor and scent of the plant. For some plants, the essential oil is extracted from dried seeds, resin, or peel. However, for others, it is derived from the flowers, bark, roots, or leaves.

Essential oil isn't a discovery of the present; they have been around for ages. From being a crucial ingredient in perfumes and cosmetics to serving an array of therapeutic purposes, each essential oil has a unique composition. While some have the power to deal with pain, others work amazingly as antiseptic or deliver anti-inflammatory benefits.

Essential Oils: What are they good for?

Aromatherapy is very powerful and has the full potential to deal with anxiety, stress, and even depression.

    A variety of essential oils - lavender, bergamot, and clary sage have the ability to reduce anxiety. They relax an overstressed mind and offer the aid of peaceful sleep.
    Essential Oils possess anti-inflammatory properties. They reduce inflammation and irritation.
    Aromatherapy is directly linked to pain management.
    Essential Oils boost the immune system. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
    It is the cure to several skin irritations.

Certain essential oils contain methanol, which has the power to cure migraines or deal with headaches. They relax the muscles and reduce the pain.

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Essential oils will induce sleep; this reduces the risk of cold. Certain oils can cure viral infections as well, while others reduce the symptoms of fever.

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From reducing blemishes to healing popped pimples, fighting pimples, reducing scarring, and treating boils and cysts - essential oil is the ultimate alternative to store-bought chemical products.

In several ways, a few essential oils can calm your cough and congestion. From inhaling steam to rubbing a few drops of essential oils onto the throat and chest - they can be used in several ways to ease congestion and open airways.

The fat that is stored in our body can be reduced when the essential oils activate the enzymes in the body. This helps to reduce fat by boosting our metabolism and cleansing the lymphatic nodes.

There are several essential oils that have the potential to protect the hair strands. They also moisturize the scalp and soothes it. Thus, you will enjoy soft, luscious, and glowing locks or regular application of essential oils. The presence of crucial components in essential oils reduces inflammation and irritation of the scalp while promoting hair growth.

Aromatherapy also makes the most of organic compounds to improve your mental health while reducing stress and anxiety. From boosting your mood to elevating your energy levels, essential oils have a lot of benefits.

Now is the time to clean your home and spread the fascinating aroma of essential oils. Did you know a few drops of essential oil will prevent the manifestation of fleas?

When essential oils are combined with carrier oils, and they are gently massaged on the throat, it reduces irritation and inflammation caused by a sore throat.

When an essential oil is rubbed or gently massaged on pressure points (intestinal areas or stomach), it will bring relief and handle nausea.

  • Ginger oil - Be it motion sickness or nausea - ginger oil has proved to be the perfect remedy. Rubbing it directly on pressure points like wrists, forehead, or stomach will improve nausea.
  • Lavender oil - It calms your body and decompresses the mind, which will help you sleep better. Therefore if nausea is caused by physical pain or anxiety, lavender oil is the perfect cure.
  • Lemon oil - It brings relief to those who suffer from nausea. The soothing and relaxing aroma will help you be at ease.

There have been several studies that conclude that essential oils have properties to take care of psoriasis. They put the mind at ease because emotional turmoil can also trigger psoriasis.

  • Tea Tree Oil - It possesses antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, which improves the functioning of the immune system. Psoriasis can be dealt with tea tree oil as it eases inflammation and handles the infection.
  • Rose Geranium Oil - From reducing stress and inflammation to improving circulation - rose geranium oil has several properties. It keeps psoriasis at bay and regenerates the growth of healthy cells.
  • Bergamot Oil - The anti-inflammatory properties of bergamot essential oil reduce psoriasis pain. It is best suited for scalp psoriasis.

These are some of the crucial essential oils that you can include in your daily life to ward off several physical and mental health problems. However, don't rely on them way too much. In case of a critical health issue, consult a doctor.

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