11 Easy Ways to Transform a Room

By Decasa Collections

After two years of lockdowns and working from home, it’s natural to start feeling sick of your space, especially if it’s on the smaller side. Even if you put a lot of thought into decorating your place when you first moved in, after a while, everything starts feeling outdated and old.

Fortunately, there are a number of easy and cost-efficient ways to transform your home and make it feel fresh and rejuvenated. Let us show you 11 ways in which you can achieve that: 

1. Organize Your Place 

First things first: a clean, tidy, and organized home creates the zen you seek. A few simple items like racks, canisters bins, turntables, and risers can get rid of clutter and create order. And while you’re at it, figure out which items still spark joy and which ones you can get rid of to make space for a less claustrophobic feel. Out with the old, and you will feel much better for letting go of items that no longer provide value in your home and life.

Photo by Spacejoy from Unsplash

Quick Tip – Follow Instincts, Not Trends: Your home is yours, so don’t be too swayed by trends and fleeting fashions when recreating a room. Follow your gut and your heart for the most honest, rewarding results.

2. Use Vinyl Wrap 

Be sure to upgrade old furniture with a vinyl wrap! It’s an easy and inexpensive way to modernize a bedroom or living room piece like a chest of drawers or a bedside table. Simply source rolls of vinyl wrap in your preferred color, size, and design online, and get started on your DIY home project.  

3. Hang up Thermal-lined Curtains

Curtains are essential to creating a super cozy and homely vibe in your living and bedroom. If you don’t yet have any, add floor-length curtains for a timelessly elegant look. If you prefer more feminine patterns, go for floral prints that also bring color into your space. For extra functionality, choose thermal-lined curtains that trap heat produced by your home’s heating system or fireplace.

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

4. Use a Frame TV

Perhaps you’ve seen designers on social media hang up frames that double as TVs. The great thing about these concealed screens is that they can display different works of art depending on your interior style and preference. Whenever you want to watch TV, you switch it on. If you’re not watching your favorite shows or movies, your TV turns into framed art. Because the screen has a built-in brightness sensor that adjusts to your room, you won’t even notice that it’s actually a TV. A fantastic way to combine function with style!

5. Insert Wall Art 

Building on the previous concept, hanging up art is fantastic for bringing color and life into a space. They add visual interest and transform dull walls into beautiful eye-catchers. Framed art can be a bit pricey and if they’re out of your budget you can always choose to hang up upscale posters, and photos, or create some DIY art that you paint yourself.

Photo by Atbo from Pexels

6. Rearrange Your Furniture Layout

The fastest and cheapest way to change the ambiance and interiors of your home is to simply rearrange your furniture layout. Although some rooms only cater to a specific layout due to size, window, or door placements, most other spaces have some flexibility that allows you to play around with different arrangements. Try it out and see how you feel! 

7. Place a Rug on the Floor 

Another simple trick with great impact is the use of a rug. It adds structure and warmth to a space while softening the floor. Depending on its color and texture, it can also help to tie together furniture pieces and decór of different styles and create more harmony with a cohesive look.

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Quick Tip – Start with the Small: Soft furnishings, small decorative items, and easily removable stuff is the best place to start with room transformations. Don’t do anything too final until the idea is as clear as possible.

8. Paint a Wall

Color can make a dramatic difference in any room, especially when covering a large space like a wall. Instead of painting the entire room, choose an accent wall in a color of your choice to create a focal point that adds visual interest and brings variety and individuality into your home. 

9. Add Throw Pillows

A chair, bed, or sofa easily transforms with the help of big, colorful throw pillows. No need to go overboard, simply get a few pillows with eye-catching designs that add warmth to an otherwise cold cushion.

Photo by Terje Sollie from Pexels

10. Leverage Peel-And-Stick Floor Tiles

You may think that flooring can’t easily be transformed as it is permanent. But there’s a clever way to quickly change your floor without having to rip out any existing tiles or wooden planks: peel-and-stick floor tiles. They are available in many different sizes, patterns, and colors, are water-resistant and are easy to place on your existing floor. Once you’ve chosen a design you like, you can have a new floor in a matter of hours!

11. Diffuse Subtle Scents

If you’ve ever walked into an upscale store, you’ll have noticed: it smells divine! That’s because luxury stores diffuse scents with fresh or floral essence. If you don’t like the idea of spraying room fragrances, opt to use candles or incense sticks that turn a dull room into a scented delight. Lovely smells can even benefit our brains!

Photo by Cup Of Couple from Pexels

Quick Tip – Try Swapping Rooms!: This might sound a bit wild, but if you have a number of rooms in the house, why not try switching the furniture between the rooms to see how a different space might feel.


There are many great ways to transform a room, none of which has to be expensive. From something as simple as rearranging your furniture layout to painting a wall, hanging wall art, using a vinyl wrap, or taking advantage of peel-and-stick floor tiles, you can have much design impact through DIY efforts. And for that something extra, add home decor accessories that spruce up your space in bright and colorful ways.
