10Web Booster Review 2022: Is It the Best WordPress Page Speed Plugin?

Posted on the 25 September 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

WordPress performance plugins are widely available. Only a few of these plugins actually deliver on their claims that they will improve the speed and performance of your website, despite the fact that all of them claim to be unique.

However, are you looking for a WordPress page speed plugin that would accelerate your WordPress site automatically? If so, 10Web Booster is just what you need! It is a performance tool for WordPress from 10Web that guarantees a top performance rating for any WordPress site, irrespective of hosting. To get a better grade, it can optimize both the front end and the back end.

So, let's dig deeper!

About 10Web Booster

10Web Booster is one of the leading and most trusted speed optimization plugins developed for enhancing the performance and overall functioning of a website. This tool allows users to focus on and succeed in the creative bits of managing the website.

It is a free-performance WordPress plugin from the renowned hosting company 10Web. It is a WordPress performance plugin that makes websites load faster. Built with natural integration with 10Web Hosting in mind, 10Web Booster also optimizes the backend. Due to their inability to change backend settings, other common caching plugins do not provide this.

Features of 10Web Booster

With 10Web Booster's comprehensive WordPress website optimization, your website will run faster on any hosting and achieve a high PageSpeed score while also improving Core Web Vitals, boosting conversion rates, Google ranks, and overall performance.

The free version of 10Web allows users to perform frontend optimization of the website homepage along with 5 internal pages supporting up to 10 websites.

  • Powerful Frontend Optimization
  • Powerful Backend Optimization
  • Website caching
  • Increased PagesSpeed scores on Google core web vitals
  • Compatible with any hosting service (Works best with 10Web hosting)

10Web Booster is made possible thanks to dozens of technical optimizations:


By merging and minifying CSS and HTML, it is possible to cut the size of files by a few bytes. This is significant since larger files use more resources, which could slow down how quickly a page loads.


It is common practice to compress large algorithmic JS programs. Crunching JS code, or eliminating any superfluous spaces and comments, speeds up WordPress by cutting down on the time it takes to download JavaScript.


Image optimization places a strong emphasis on maintaining image quality while simultaneously reducing file size through image compression. The picture optimizations from 10Web accomplish this and more.


Only through the prioritizing of crucial CSS and the deferral of JavaScript is it feasible to have content that is instantly accessible when a user enters your website. This is how 10Web Booster, the finest WordPress performance plugin, guarantees a 90+ page speed score.


Complete CSS downloads slow down the appearance of your WordPress website's speed. When a user first accesses a webpage, just the absolute minimal amount of stylesheets are loaded in order to render the visible content of the page correctly; the remainder is served as needed. Critical CSS aids in passing the Core Web Vitals and doesn't prevent page rendering.


How to increase WordPress performance is to cater to the user's attention span. You accomplish that by executing only the most important information in the first few seconds and lazy loading graphics. Images that maintain a low latency and a high speed on your website reduce bounce rate and work in your favor.


There is a variety of stuff on your website that is hidden until the viewer scrolls down, from graphics to video adverts. When a user doesn't scroll, they shouldn't have to download a lot of data. This idea is represented by 10Web Booster, which believes that consumers shouldn't ever be made to pay for a slower website.


The optimization and compression of web font loading may help you pass the Core Web Vitals test and improve your Google ranking. For the following reason, your material will be presented in a generic font to bridge the gap until your original font style is set up because the competition is fierce and every millisecond matters.

  • WebP compression studies prove that a WebP image file on average is:
  • 25-34% smaller than a comparable JPEG image
  • 26% smaller than a comparable PNG image
  • So it's only logical that this conversion would substantially affect and improve WordPress speed

With 10Web Booster, you may use a container-specific image rather than making the user load a large image when they only want to see a thumbnail.

10Web Booster offers Speed Optimization levels to allow you to enhance the backend performance of your website in different ways. We put each of the 4 levels to the test as soon as your automated homepage optimization starts. The level that received the greatest score while also preventing your website from breaking will be set as your default once we compare the results.

From the Custom rules tab on your dashboard, you may select one of the following four levels and manage it separately for each page.

  • Standard Levels: Uses different standard speed optimization techniques.
  • Balanced Levels: All optimization techniques in Standard Level + Critical CSS
  • Strong Level: All optimization techniques in Standard Level + JS Delay.
  • Extreme Level: All optimization techniques in Balanced Level + JS Delay. It may cause issues in some cases.

The free plugin from 10Web Booster is more than capable. It accelerates websites incredibly well. The free plan, however, only optimizes the homepage and 5 additional pages. We advise you to upgrade to the premium plan if you want to optimize additional pages and improve your website's speed.

The 10Web Booster Pro plugin will allow users to have access to all the functions and features that they find on the 10Web platform. 10Web Booster Pro is currently offered in 3 different pricing tiers.

The "Personal" plan is priced at $10 per month, which supports optimization of 3 websites. The "Premium" plan is priced at $24 per month, offering optimization support for up t0 10 websites, followed by the "Agency" plan which is priced at $60 a month. The Agency plan allows you to optimize up to 10 websites, suitable for agencies who need to optimize more websites. Customers can receive special pricing if they have more than 10 sites.

Despite the fact that the pricing plan is advertised as being for 10Web Booster Pro, it is actually the pricing for 10Web's entire suite, which includes advanced features like 10Web Premium Hosting, AI Builder and the 10Web Booster.

There are free and paid versions of 10Web Booster. Even still, the most potent fundamental functions are all included in the 10Web Booster free version. However, there are a number of advantages to purchasing the plugin's premium edition as opposed to the free version.

The free version of 10Web Booster will let you optimize homepages of up to 10 websites and 5 internal pages can have their frontends optimized by the free 10Web Booster plugin. The free plan also offers increased Core Web Vitals, a good cache hit ratio, and a PageSpeed score higher than 90.

On 10Web's WordPress platform that is based on AI technology, 10Web Booster Pro offers different benefits regarding backend optimization and hosting. These advantages include Google Cloud Premium, Time to first byte (TTFB)quicker than 200ms, the latest versions of MySQL and PHP, etc. Users don't have to pay extra to take advantage of these perks when utilizing 10Web Booster Pro.

10Web Booster Pro allows users to receive a comprehensive set of website platform capabilities, including access to more than 50 widgets, white labeling, real-time backups, malware eradication, a drag and drop editor supported by Elementor, and AI Website Builder and AI Assistant.

There is an option to add only 5 internal pages in the free version. They will be optimized in the manner we've chosen for your homepage by default, but you can alter the level for a particular page by going to the Custom rules tab (Pro version).

You can optimize an infinite number of pages with the premium plan. The 10Web booster plugin includes four different optimization levels: Standard, Balanced, Strong, and Extreme. It is made to be simple to install and configure.

10Web Booster aids customers in quickening their websites. The premium plugin 10Web Booster Pro covers hosting as well as speed in addition to speed. After being switched to the 10Web hosting platform, it ensures a high PageSpeed score for both desktop and mobile optimized websites. You'll be taken to the plugin's home page after installing, and activating the plugin from WordPress.org.


The installation process of 10Web Booster is just like any other plugin. Enter your WordPress dashboard first. Then, find 10Web Booster by going to WP Admin Dashboard > Plugins > Add New.


Similar to other SaaS tools, 10Web Booster operates. After the installation is complete, you must link your website to its service. Go to WP Admin Dashboard > Settings > 10Web Booster to accomplish that.

By selecting the Hosting Performance option when selecting 10Web Hosting, you can additionally optimize the backend for maximum performance.

As soon as users join up, frontend optimization instantly begins, and they are placed on the Free Optimizer Plan. Users of this plan are permitted to add and optimize 5 internal pages for a maximum of 10 websites. The General tab in your 10Web account, displays information about website optimization.

Any hosting platform can use 10Web Booster, an automated website optimization solution. No matter what hosting company hosts your website, The Booster makes sure it ranks in the top 1% of the fastest-loading websites on the internet, improving user experience, SEO, engagement, and conversion rates.

By cleaning the site cache, doing HTML minification, caching files, compressing cached pages, and other tasks, caching plugins are intended to improve a website's performance. These plugins operate completely within the WordPress servers and don't rely on other servers for their functionality.

In addition to being a plugin, 10Web Booster may speed up a website by combining various front-end and backend optimization approaches. Using a website optimization service (10Web) to implement these strategies is preferable to performing all optimization on a WordPress hosting server.

The 10Web Booster WordPress performance plugin will drastically improve the user experience, SEO, engagement, and conversion rates of your website's visitors. The plugin is compatible with websites of any complexity on desktop and mobile devices. Optimize the pages of your website, play around with all of their levels, and benefit from the best WordPress performance plugin available.

  • Automated 90+ PageSpeed
  • Optimized Core Web Vitals
  • Higher search engine rankings
  • Up to 7% boost in conversions
  • Up to 40% boost in visitor engagement
  • Up to 53% mobile traffic engagement boost
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Final Thoughts - 10 Web Booster Review

10Web Booster is undoubtedly an amazing automated speed improvement plugin that is simple to install and use. No matter the industry, it works well for WordPress websites and can be used to optimize both desktop and mobile site versions.

It gives consumers the option to enhance a website's functionality from both the frontend and the backend. Websites that use it rank among the fastest-loading sites thanks to automated speed optimization. This improves user experience, conversion rates, SEO, and engagement for visitors.