10th Tribe Next Exclusive - The Garter Tee

By Vitadimoda @Maria_Litizia
10th Tribe's Next Exclusive:
The Garter Tee
So you know that NYC brand that I keep raving on about? 10th Tribe? I know I keep going on about them, but I don't think there's a brand out there that I feel more passionately about.
Anyway, after the success of their beanie sale they've gone and decided to give you all another exclusive and personally, I just think it is the sexiest styling piece on the market at the moment!

Long sleeved, scoop neck and then garters for a trim - it's sexy and basic all in one go. If you're not feeling the garters though, just tuck it into your shorts/skirt/jeans and it's a basic black tee - simple, no fuss and it's two looks in one. I can't tell you how often I've just wanted to wear a black tee out to a club to just be comfortable for a change, but it never looks acceptable. Then comes along the 10th Tribe Garter Tee and it's like my prayers have been answered. I think I'll be thanking 10th Tribe for this marvel until my dying day.
Fancy getting your hands on one? Well, if you can wait until Sunday (Dec 9th) then you can just head on over to the 10th Tribe website and purchase one for yourself! It'll be like their beanie sale though where it is only available for a few hours (2pm-12pm), so you best get in there early...
Photo Credit: 10th Tribe Instagram & from the brand themselves.