10/13: Quopic of the Day

Posted on the 14 October 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Let me apologize that our Quopic of the Day wasn’t posted until now, because I had to work. :( Who ever made up this “working for a living thing” anyways? Work is for the dogs…LOL

For today’s Quopic, there are 3 things I always think of when it comes to this scene…will you agree?

Check out today’s Quopic of the Day for October 13th below!

10/13: Quopic of the DayThese are the 3 things I always think of when I watch this scene…

  1. Nice catch!
  2. He’s great with his hands.
  3. And how can Sookie NOT know that Eric’s standing there watching her undress?
  4. Oops, make that 4 things! LOL Why does Sookie fight him so? I would be telling him to get undressed too!

What do you think about this scene? Share your thoughts below!