101 Years of Continued Service to Our Patrons. = 101 Years of Enslaved Servers!

By Waiterstoday @Waiters_Today
I work at a restaurant that has been around for 100 years. It is owned and operated by the same family that opened it in 1911. When it first opened, all of the servers were black and could not read or write. This gave the place an edge. People came from all over to try and stump these servers. They would literally switch seats when the server left just to test them. If that were me back then,I would have killed someone. But today we are ruled by computers so all hail POS. systems and pivot points. At some point everyone that lives or lived in Galveston has worked here and gave there sweat and blood to "the family". To be honest,working there is like pledging for a frat or something. Being a career restaurant means that the majority of higher ups started from ground up. So you have to constantly try to rise higher or you are GONE. We go by a tie system. Everyone is wearing a tux.ut each person has a diffrebnt clored tie on. Bow ties are newbies blue ties are beginners. Yellow tie means you are now making your way up. Green tie means you've made senior staff. Burgundy means you are top notch and delegate only while pulling an easy 45k a year.not including undeclared. And when you are awarded a pelican tie pen it means you are the lead tie and example of perfection and ass kissing. I am the pelican. The only one out of 375 employees. To be truthful. I have no fucking idea how I became lead of the Pelican club. Which is are exclusive private members only dining club situated in the back of a 2 squared.city block restaurant that can seat 1000 people at once. Its amazing, and I don't want out just yet. But it does steal your life. It does make you jaded and bitter. Living to the expectations of a 101 year old institution that everyone from the Bush family to Beyonce.eat at does wear you down. Company politics rule this place and our newest generation of owners are 28 and 27 years old. Both graduates of C.I.A. of New York and brilliant. But ofcourse both trying to make there mark on the family business. But its one lord or the other. Its too difficult to follow both dark lords at the same time. So you try to follow the one that is all around good. It makes it even harder when they are both quite awesome. What I do is just try to learn. From the best comes.the best only making you better. Not trying to achieve perfection but constantly striving for excellence. Thanks for listening. The stories in this place are hilarious and become.outrageous. I'll try and tell you guys a few.sometime. But now.you know where I'm from.