- Wake up feeling you have never slept
- get stressed out when the kids wont sleep
- nappy changes
- wash the clothes
- dry wet clothes
- iron
- washing up
- the hoovering
- mop floors
- make bottles
- make juice
- potty training
- cleaning up sick
- picking up toys
- cleaning up food off the floor
- mopping up spills
- bath the kids
- do the food shopping
- worry about the household budget
- stand and cook meals to freeze
- drink cold cups of tea
- dress the kids
- kiss away bumps and scraped knees
- Do the school runs
- Say “No”
- Cook the family meals
- Be the taxi service for your older kids
- Sterilise items
- Catch up with the mums on Emmas Group
- Watch the same cartoons
- Find you repeat everything you say
- Watch Cbeebies
- Sing nursery rhymes
- Count as you fasten buttons etc.
- Read children’s books
- Put the kids to bed
- Discipline the kids
- Ask for advice
- Give advice
- Kiss little heads
- Laugh
- Smile
- Want to cry
- Want to scream
- Want to sleep
- Smell the bum area
- Enjoy snuggle time
- Feel fearful
- Question your ability as a mum
- Blow raspberries on tummies
- Become stressed
- Attend doctor and appointments
- Be ignored
- Use the phone to make appointments or arrange things
- Wipe hands
- Wipe faces
- Watch children sleeping
- Manage the bills
- Feed and care for pets
- Worry
- Try to remember what you have forgot
- Acting like a fool but not caring
- Having food/sick in your hair
- Wake up to check on baby
- Struggle not to sing the kids songs when your alone
- Stand on a toy
- Panic
- Check hair on older kids for hair lice
- Help older kids do homework
- Wipe snotty noses
- Never go to the toilet alone
- Pretend to eat play food
- Break up fights
- Play games
- Teach colours/shapes
- Visit family
- Go to the park
- Attend play group
- Try to scrub crayon off the wall
- Talk in baby language
- Forget to brush hair
- Pretend a spoon is an aeroplane
- Taste baby food
- Share any food/treat you have
- Moan
- Ring hubby to say you can’t cope
- Put kids to bed
- stand in something squishy and dont even think ‘what was that
- Say “Get down”
- Say “Sit down”
- Say “In a minute”
- Shout
- Ask “What have you got in your mouth”
- Hunt for the lost sock/shoe
- Hunt for dummies
- Realise your still watching a kids programme an hour after they are asleep
- Wonder if the washer eats socks due to the odd ones
- Pick food out of hair/brush crumbs off
- Try to teach new things each day
- Argue with hubby due to tiredness