101 Household Tips for Every Room in Your Home

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

The internet, specifically Pinterest is a wonderful playground for discovering clever household tips to make things easier… In an ideal world, I would use all of them and have the most cleverly functioning household ever!

With tips from Martha Stewart, Apartment Therapy and  Better Homes and Gardens to Lifehacker, Table for Two and This Old House, the folks at Glamumous put together a fantastic list of 101 Household tips for every room that is worth the share!   While this list is filled with great tips, it is also a great resource for other blogs and websites filled with lots of great recipes, tips and DIY projects, some of the MKB favorite things! 

The simplest way to slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes is to sandwich them between two plastic lids and run a long knife through all of them at once!
Via Food52.com

Keep brown sugar soft by storing with a couple of marshmallows
Via Storage and Glee

Far cheaper than having colored keys specially cut!
Via The Chive

Install a regular coat rack low down the wall to store shoes safely off the floor
Via Destination Unknown

Repurpose a cereal canister as a trash can for the car
Via BHG.com

Deodorize sponges in the microwave. Soak in water spiked with white vinegar or lemon juice and put on fill power for one minute. Use tongs to remove as it will be hot!
Via Shine

Use a magnetic strip to store bobby pins on inside of a cupboard.
Via Superwoman

…Or store them in an empty Tic-Tac dispenser!
Via One Frugal Chick

Clean cat litter trays quickly by lining with a garbage bag.
Via DIY Tip of the Day

Use a Post-It note when drilling to catch the dust
Via Lifehacker

Organize jewelry on a corkboard for easy viewing when deciding how to accessorize an outfit
Via  Dee Gater

Repurpose an old picture frame as a serving tray
Via Camp Granma

Boil orange peel and cloves to get rid of unpleasant smells in the kitchen.
Via Heart of a Country Home

“File” clothes vertically in drawers so you can see your clothes at a glance.
Via Chasing Cheerios

Fill an old box with skewers to make an all-purpose knife block
Via The Daily What

Hang onions in cut-up tights or old stockings to make them last for months!
Via BuzzFeed

Create a thrifty watering can by puncturing holes in the top of a used milk bottle.
Via A Journey to a Dream

Use a paper plate to prevent splatters when using an electric whisk.
Via Cooking Club

Store cupcake and muffin cases in a mason jar
Via Table for Two

Remove pet hair from furniture and carpets with a squeegee.
Via Bobbenblog Lite

Cover paint trays with aluminum foil to make cleaning up a breeze.
Via OurHumbleAbowed

Place a layer of waxed paper on top of kitchen cupboards to prevent grease and dust from settling. Switch out every few months to keep them clean.
Via In This Crazy Life

Flip a toaster on its side to make grill cheese
Via YesEmails

Easily draw out a splinter for easy removal by applying a paste of baking soda and water.
Via Wikihow

Create a thrifty organizer for wrapping paper using cup hooks and painted dowel rods. This technique is also ideal for storing rolls of foil, kitchen roll and greaseproof paper on the inside of pantry doors.
Via Woman’s Day

Water  straight from the tap becomes cloudy when frozen. To make ice cubes crystal clear, allow a kettle of boiled water to cool slightly and use this to fill your ice cube trays. 
Via Instructables

Use a large muffin tin to cook stuffed peppers in the oven – it will help keep them upright.
Via Better Recipes

Hang a bundle of chalk in the closet to keep everything fresh and dry. The chalk absorbs excess moisture –  a thrifty alternative to an electric dehumidifier!
Via Martha Stewart

To prevent potatoes budding, add an apple in the bag.
Via My Fridge Food

Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when hard-boiling eggs to make the shells incredibly easy to peel off.
Via Delighted Momma

Tie a sprig of eucalyptus to your shower head. The steam will help infuse your bathroom with an invigorating fragrance.
Via Apartment Therapy

Use bread tags to label power cords.
Via Apartment Therapy

Use non-stick cooking spray in votive holders to prevent wax from sticking to the sides.
Via Real Simple

WD40 can be used to remove crayon marks from any surface!
Via Real Simple

Use a tension rod and shower hooks to store saucepans inside a cupboard.
Via DIY Home Sweet Home

Make a simple laundry bag using an old pillowcase and an embroidery hoop.
Via Martha Stewart

Use a lint roller to clean the bottom of your handbag
Via Real Simple

To get rid of the musty smell on old towels, wash using 1 cup of white vinegar on a hot cycle, then repeat with 1/2 cup of bicarbonate of soda
Via Pinterest Upload

Use a fork to press garlic when there isn’t a garlic crusher available.
Via Real Simple

When hanging a picture frame, put a dab of toothpaste on the frame where you need the nails to be. Then simply press against the wall to leave marks (which can later be wiped) as guides for hammering in.
Via Somewhat Simple

Put a dry towel in with a wet load to reduce the drying time (this really works, I’ve been doing it for years!)
Via eHow

To tell if eggs are fresh, immerse them in a bowl of water. Fresh eggs will lie on the bottom, while stale eggs will float to the surface. 
Via Discount Queens

Use hairspray on the end of your sewing thread to help it slide through the eye of your needle.
Via Real Simple

Sprinkle salt in the spaces between patio slabs and at the bottom of walls to get rid of pesky weeds(but be careful NOT to get salt near plants you want to keep as salt will kill them!)
Via One Good Thing

Re-purpose an old CD spindle to make a pretty small cake/biscuit holder.
Via All4Women

Clean patio stones with a solution of 1/2 white vinegar and 1/2 water in  a spray bottle. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse off (soiled areas may require a little scrubbing). Also helps get rid of weeds too!
Via Thrift Culture Now

To clean a wooden chopping board, sprinkle on a handful of Kosher salt and rub with half a lemon. Rinse with clean water and dry to ensure it is clean and germ-free.
Via Off the Wheaten Path

Use scrap paper to help hang an arrangement of picture frames easily. Cut templates for each frame,marking nail locations on the paper, then tack to the wall until you find the ideal arrangement. Then simply nail through the marks on the paper!
Via Centsational Girl

Like these tips?  See the complete list here

xoxo- Kellie