100 years old
Made aliyah at 100, and died at 100
Meir Halimi was born in Algeria, and at 20 years old he drafted into the French army to fight the Nazis in World War II. Halimi then chose to live in France and start his family, marrying Odette and having 3 children.

For many years Meir wanted to make aliyah to Israel, and 40 years ago Halimi bought two plots in Har Hamenuchot for himself and his wife. His wife died a year and half ago and was buried in Israel. After spending the past year in near isolation, as his family avoided seeing him to avoid possibly infecting him with CoronaVirus, he finally got permission to make aliyah.
Upon making aliyah, Meir Halimi died that same night in his sleep and is now buried beside his wife in Har Hamenuchot.source: Mako, Kikar
100 years old and he finally decided to make aliyah. After finally realizing his dream, he was ready to go? I don't know, but I know that so many only make it here in death, and Halimi was able to actualize his dream in life, even if just for a day, despite his advanced age. That is impressive.
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