Heroes that include:
Victoria Soto, a first-grade teacher, who sacrificed her life as she told the gunman her class was at the auditorium at the other end of the school; thus saving the lives of many of her students.
Kaitlin Roig, a first-grade teacher, who smartly locked her students in a closet and comforted them as they feared for their lives.
Heroes like Dawn Hocksprung, the principal of Sandy Hook, and Mary Sherlach, the school psychologist, who reportedly ran towards the gunman to knock him down and to shield the children running away.
Our politicians promised to pass a comprehensive gun control bill. They promised to do everything in their legal power to try to avert another tragedy. And as usual their promises proved false.
Senator Diane Feinstein (D- CA) introduced an assault weapons ban. It closely mirrored my own personal thoughts on semi-automatic weapons. Unfortunately, it seems my hopes that something would get done have all but vanished. The proposed ban seems doomed.
The problem is simple. Politicians are cowards. Cowards in that they falter at the prospect of losing their power. Cowards in the prospects of losing their reelection endeavors. These are the people we have bestowed to run the country.
Politicians have allowed Wayne LaPierre to dictate political discussions and outcomes. They’ve allowed him to bully the threat of losing their coveted “A+” NRA rating. That is the reason nothing has gotten done. It has nothing to do with the actual politics of the ban. It has everything to do with that rating. God forbid our politicians don’t get an “A+” from LaPierre.
As our politicians enjoy another vacation, the nation continues to grieve for the death of 20 children and children across the country that die everyday in part because of lax gun control laws our politicians don’t bother to change. As parents struggle to decide if Sandy Hook Elementary should be reopened our politicians continue to bicker and master the art of doing nothing. I guess it’s too much to ask for them to multi-task.
So I ask you to remember Sandy Hook.
To remember what happened that day.
Because sadly, it seems our politicians have already forgotten.
I have not.
Why do you think nothing has been passed?
Email: realtalkdebate2012@gmail.com
Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate