10 Ways to Put Your Online Business at High Level

Posted on the 15 July 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

You might have often given a thought to starting an online business and making easy money by relaxing at the home, beach, or on the hills on vacations. But the thought of the investment might have even resisted you to start your own business or make money.

In this post, we have featured the 15 best Online Business Ideas In India that actually work and help you in earning a decent amount of money. The best part is that here in these business ideas you don't have to make investments.

A little investment is indeed a requirement in every business if you are starting on your own. If you wish to start a business of your own it would take you at least 1 year or 6 months to get settled. There are a number of risks in a new business.

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So, you should be ready to face that risk and the consequences for it. But, I would tell you in my post about how you can minimize the risk of failure in any online business.

What Do You Need To Invest?

If you are serious about starting an online business, you need some investment, and somewhere a lot of investment. This investment is not merely the money but it can be also in the form of skills and time.

  • You will need to give proper time to your work. You can't expect your online business to grow on your own without giving time to it. If you are even devoting four to five hours a day for six months or more, it would work without disturbing your office hours.
  • Some amount of investment is a must for every business. It depends on one business to another but you need to be wise enough to invest. Don't be a fool to spend your money and expect it to work without investing your time.
  • Read a lot of books and blogs related to your niche. Do not rush and do proper research on your type of business.
  • Critical Things You Should Know Before Starting an Online Business In 2022

How To Choose The Profitable Business?

Now, to start a business of your own, the most important thing is to choose the business that would be profitable for you. It doesn't just involve a thing or two but it has a number of things to consider.

  • Choose what you are passionate about. If you are willing to start your business without the proper knowledge of that field, be ready to bear the failure!!
  • Get engaging content. If it is any business, the must-have thing is the most engaging content. If your content is dull and not competitive enough, it would certainly urge your audience to switch to your better competitor.
  • Traffic is also an important source for any business. Get the right traffic from Google or Facebook or any other source that is most preferred.

Best Online Business Ideas In India (100% Working)

I have given a deep insight into each of the business ideas this year that are trending in India as well as globally. Some of the businesses might differ and vary from region to region but a number of businesses are can be expanded all over the world.

Here are the best online business ideas in India:

1. Blogging

I started my blog in 2013 and it's just 2018. In 5 years, I have started earning almost $40 k per month.

You can do blogging by sitting at your home, on vacations or anywhere you can feel like. You are your own boss here!!

There are a number of perks of blogging. It is easy to start but It would definitely take time to set up. You need to be patient and dedicated if you are considering the successful blog. Starting the blog doesn't merely mean writing things.

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You need to create quality content for your audience. The images should be properly used and the content should be updated from time to time. If you have updated the content well and have used the proper images in your blog, the chances of ranking up in the Google search engine further increases.

If you are planning to start a blog of your own, the first thing you would need to do is to choose the right niche for you. Choose the niche of your interest and the niche that interests your audience.

The blog can be about software like mine or traveling, education, or any information that is trending. Also, for blogging, it is important to learn about SEO so as to monetize your blog well. Also, you can start a blog with SeekaHost and can start your blogging journey easily.

2. Affiliate Marketing

I have written a lot of guides previously on blogging and SEO:

Affiliate Marketing is another profitable business that is loved by most people nowadays. It is the process of earning a commission by selling the other's products.

Almost all the brands and all the companies who sell online nowadays offer to promote their products to the customer by promotion. They certainly need someone to promote it. The people who promote the products for them and earn the commission by each of the sold products are called affiliate marketers.

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There are a lot of big names in all types of niches that offer the Affiliate Marketing program. These companies are Amazon, Flipkart, Clickbank, Commission Junction and various others. They have a separate affiliate program section for the affiliates.

There are two types of affiliate marketing:

  • Information Products: This type of affiliate marketing is about eBooks, videos, or a number of membership sites. The commission in this type of affiliate marketing is usually as high as 50% for the sales. The competition isn't high enough too and also the barrier to entry to the affiliate program is quite low. The products are easy to find and promote.
  • Amazon Partner: As an affiliate partner with Amazon, some of the affiliate marketers make up to $50k per month. Sell the products of your choice and make sure the product you are selling is profitable. Join the Amazon Affiliate program to get started.

Before starting or investing in affiliate marketing, you must read some of the best Affiliate marketing guides. Make sure you have got the knowledge about the SEO and copywriting before starting anything here.

3. Start an E-Commerce Store

There are a number of ideas for online business and the E-commerce is the most popular along with blogging. Sell your products and make money. This is all it is about. You can sell digital as well as physical products with the E-commerce store.

You can refer to these affiliate marketing guides here:

If you are willing to sell your products and are still baffled about how to start with a new E-commerce store, a number of guides are available online.

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A number of platforms are available to start and design your E-commerce store. I would recommend using Shopify for this purpose. The other platforms are WooCommerce, Magento, 3dcart, and various others that can be used.

They offer a free domain and sometimes hosting too. Besides, this you can get also get the tools to promote your products online. You can also use various tools to market your tools and create a cart for your E-commerce store.

Do not rush and have the patience to explore your niche. Also, get proper knowledge of marketing your E-commerce store.

4. Dropshipping

If you do not own the inventory or warehouse and still wish to earn by selling the online products, you can start a dropshipping store of your own.

Dropshipping is an internet business where you do not need to own physical products. All you need is the website and just add the products to make the profits. You do not own the inventory, and nor do you need to take care of the logistics or suppliers or packaging.

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There are even no pre-investments except for creating the store and marketing. Also, if the customer purchases the product using your store, you will only be charged after the order has been completed.

The best store for Dropshipping your products is AliExpress. You can begin your dropshipping using this excellent store. You can read the guides on starting your Dropshipping website.

You can easily find the suppliers for your chosen niche. Contact the concerned supplier and add the best products to your store. Market your store and build your audience. Also, you need to take care of the SEO if you want your store to rank and get noticed. It is too hard to get noticed by your audience organically without the proper knowledge of SEO.

5. Vlogging

While Blogging means that you are writing the content for the audience; travel, leisure, software, comedy, health, and beauty, or anything, blogging means that you are reaching your audience through the video content.

Vlogging is the best part-time business if you are good at expressing and speaking. In fact, some people like to watch or hear the product review instead of the written content.

All you need is the proper vlogging equipment and gears that are a must to start a vlogging channel. Make sure you have got the shooting camera and the microphone to shoot and record your video. There are a number of Vlogging platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and video motion.

You can also start your own channel and earn by reviewing the product. Also, you can become an affiliate and earn by using the review of the product and redirecting the customer to the store by clicking on your own affiliate link.

If you want to learn more about this online business, there are a number of guides on how to start a Vlogging.

6. Become a YouTuber

The millennials are a YouTube generation, one can easily use it to earn good profits. YouTubers are also vloggers and thus using YouTube for vlogging is the most profitable online business in this field.

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You can use your skills or talent by launching your YouTube channel and creating unique content. YouTube has become a good source of income in India, we see a number of short funny videos being shared on the internet every time, and we encounter a lot of singing and dance performances.

Once you start you tubing your talent, you just tend to become better and better in your skills.

If you are good at humor, you can create your own channel and create funny content for the audience in the form of satire, sarcasm, and other forms.

Some of the famous YouTubers of India are BhuvanBam, Shirley Sethia, Prajakta Koli, and various others. Similarly, if you are passionate about traveling, food, or gadgets, these could be the best niches to start an online channel.

There are multiple sites from which you can refer and know ways by which you can earn money on YouTube. There are sites that show the step-by-step procedures and even YouTube videos are there for that matter. We all need YouTube in our daily life and hence, it is an amazing source of income these days.

7. Freelancing

Now, if you are fed up with doing the regular job and wish to make money online by using the skills that you are passionate about, Freelancing is the best online business for this.

You can be recruited online and provide the service to the relevant customers by utilizing your skills. You can do that full-time or even part-time.

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If you are skilled in photography, writing, video and music editing, or any other genre, you can get hired by registering on the sites which offer Freelancing. There are a number of freelancing sites from where you can get hired by the people looking for the services.

Some of these sites are Upwork, Freelancer.com, Hubspot, Elance, and Fiverr. Not just in India, you can get hired by anyone around the world if you have got a good rating and a reputed profile.

If you are a newbie, keep your pricing low and sometimes even work for free to get better testimonials. The better testimonials mean that the chance of getting hired becomes double.

8. Sell Products on eBay

eBay might have become an old theory for making money online, but still is in trend and people are actually making money using this strategy.

To start selling on eBay, you will just need to invest some amount of money for purchasing the product of your niche. Make sure that the product you are purchasing isn't too high in pricing.

After that, you can create the proper description and image for your product and launch it for the sale on eBay. If you get better conversions, you can continue to do that.

9. Start a Discount coupon selling company

Now, there is no limit to the ideas for businesses online. You can sell almost anything online and if it is appealing, it will surely give you better returns.

The Indian or any other customers are most attracted by the discount coupons and special promo codes or various offers. You can start your company by selling deals and coupons to your customers.

There are a number of such companies and thus you need to explore and learn the proper skills to reach the audience.

10. Online Consultancy

If you have got tons of knowledge in a specific field, you can start your own online consultancy business firm. A lot of people are doing online consultancy and making millions.

I have been offering consultancy in Digital marketing for the past many years. Choose the right field and know your audience well. Be sure to have the right consultancy skills. You can read various tips online.

11. Using The Social Media Platforms

Social media is fun and interesting!! You can make it more interesting if you start earning on the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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What if I say a professional in social media can earn up to Rs 20,000 with a single post. Yes!! It is possible. Now, there are two ways to earn money through social media.

  • By post: There are a number of pages on Facebook for entertainment or a social issue. You can create one and use quality content and videos to engage your audience. You will get paid once you have a good number of followers on Facebook. Similarly, Twitter and Instagram have a number of such profiles.
  • By selling: Why I and all of us love social media is because it connects. It connects the buyer to the customer. You can sell your products online even if you don't have an E-commerce site. Facebook has a separate store where you can sell your product and you don't need to create a website for that.

12. Create a Digital Product or Course

If you keep your expertise in the digital meeting, it can be a bonus for you. Nowadays, almost all netizens are curious about the use of the internet.

You can start your own Digital course and get your audience by using various sources. The best way to get the audience for your course is by self-publishing the book on Amazon and creates some engaging video content.

Moreover, companies usually hire digital marketing experts for making profitable digital marketing solutions for their businesses. They look for experts in the field of social media such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram. Moreover, they are always in need of an SEO expert or someone who has a good hand in SEO. You can definitely look on Upwork for such jobs.

13. Buy and Sell Domains

You can rent your website if you have good traffic on your website. Buying and selling of domains are becoming a great job and are getting very popular on the internet.

You can rent a website or even can give your website for rent to people who need it. Both the ways you get profited in this type of job.

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People having a decent SEO score can use this to sell domains and earn great profit from it. Companies such as Boughtbuffer.com have been known for the purpose of buying and selling the domains.

You need to be an expert in such kinds of jobs, as domain-related things are quite tricky. If you already own a decent domain you can try selling it on Flippa.com. This type of job is one of my favorites and can help you earn huge amounts of profits.

14. Sell Your Photographs

If you are a professional photographer, you can utilize your skill to earn money online. But, first, you need to market your photographs to sell them online.

A lot of big companies pay for the photographs. These photographs are called stock images.

To start with the stock images, you can look at a number of sites that offer stock images. Initially, you will need to give away some stock images for free to attract more audiences, and then you can start charging for those images.

15. Earn Through Ads

If you have a better and well-reputed blog or site, you can earn by displaying the ads of the others who wish to get featured on your site.

Similarly, you can also get that ad on your video content, you will be paid for giving the space on your website. There are a number of platforms that can help you featured in the ads.

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Google Adsense is one of the most prominent. Since it has some strict rules for displaying the ads, there is a number of alternatives to Adsense too.

Conclusion: Online Business Ideas In India 2022

I must say, Yes!! They are certainly the best ideas for starting your online business and making profits. All I would suggest to you is to be patient, be dedicated, and not let yourself distract.

You are your own boss here and thus you need to take and give orders here. If you are stuck, watch the videos or read the tutorials online. You can also contact the industry expert and get the right consultation.

Also, find the right platform for promoting your online business, whether it is more targeted on Facebook or Google, or any other platform. For example, the industries dominating Facebook are Bollywood, Cricket, politics, media, and startups or marketing. Similarly, the industries dominating Google are Tech, Shopping, Health, and Finance.

This article will give you clarity about earning money online and will help you choose the option with suits your requirements and your core skills.

If you have more ideas, share them with us in the comments box!! Share with your friends and family and let them know about the best online businesses in India.

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