10 Ways to Protect Your Website from Hackers Explained with Details

Posted on the 29 October 2020 by Aamritri

Very important article to save your site from hackers which can become a big problem for you like losing important data.


The moment your website is registered and goes live, it is placed among millions of websites and billions of internet users. In this situation, if your website is not protected, then there is a high chance that hackers can take advantage of it.

If you think that your website does not have essential credentials and you don't need to protect it, you are wrong. Even if it is just a blogging website, you need to keep it secure that it does not fall into the wrong hands. The hacker can use your business email to reply for spam, activate ransomware, and they can also operate illegal activities using your website if they hack the website. Her we have listed some important tips for protecting your website.

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When your website goes live, the major challenge comes with tightening your security network. You can take care of it by keeping in mind some easy steps. You have to continually keep on the network minute by minute that it is safe, and no other abnormal activity is traced.

Ensure that after a limited period of inactivity, logins expire. If you keep your login period active for long, hackers can find space to creep on the website handling. Ensure that whenever you connect any device to the network, scan for the malware every time you attach.

There are multiple security applications and tools that you can keep you keep your website safe and secure. You can find these applications as paid versions or for free like Acunetix WP Security, Netsparker, OpenVAS, etc. This will indeed protect your website from falling into the wrong hands.

These tools and applications can increase your website's resilience, and you can customize it according to your needs. So please don't put your website in a vulnerable state; instead, care for its security.

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Another risk of an unsecured website is that the hackers can mischievously plant malicious script in your website program. This will result in the website's misbehavior and the other errors in its functioning.

Therefore, you would need SDL, which means Security Development Lifecycle, to ensure that the coding has fewer errors. Ensure that allows the users to access the website account only after entering the password. This is curd the chances of hacking.

One way to protect your website from a hacker is by taking care of what files are being uploaded. However conscious you are, the scope of a bug to enter is always there. Therefore you need to be extra careful.

Remember to store the uploaded files outside the root directory and prevent direct access to upload files. You can use a separate script to access those uploaded files when needed. If you are wondering how to set this up, then many hosting provides this service.

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Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is a technology that helps you to protect your website from hackers. When you get the https website, then the data transfer between two ends becomes private. This narrows the chance for hackers to mishandle the website.

Many online portals give you this service. For instance, you can visit the website of GoDaddy and purchase the services. You can get great discounts if you use the GoDaddy promo code while buying the benefits of making your website secure.

One of the most effective ways to protect your website is by installing a firewall. This tool stand reads through every bit of data transferred from your server to the data network.

These days, using a cloud-based Web Application Firewall or WAF is a great option to be protected from hackers. You can be free minded after installing this tool.

Password is one of the significant sections where you can control the intruding of the hackers. Practically, you have to keep a strong password and keep changing it to ensure that the website's accounts are secure.

Always store the password in encrypted value. A strong password's essential requirement would be a minimum of eight characters with upper and lower case, alphabet, numeric, and special character. Another security aspect comes with salting the password that gives more security.

Though we are careful with all the security measures, some of the other cracks can be misused by hackers. Hence layer of security shield is a must. If you do not have any automatic backups, your data will be in danger. You might lose all the data when not careful.

Therefore, keep the backup to recover the data back quickly. This is an essential step in protecting your website and keeping your mind relaxed. Investing in automatic backup is a wise thing to do.

It is easier for hackers to find your website if search engines do not index it. Therefore another way to keep your website protected is by listing it with search engines using robots_txt. This will hide your admin page, and hackers will have difficulty reaching and harming the website.

The hackers find it easy to creep into the website through the admin page and further mishandle it. The prefixed that is set by default id "wp6_," but you can change it to a different prefix that hackers can use harder to imagine.

Also, keep in mind never to send login details via your email ID as it can be traced and misused. It is also preferred that you limit the login attempts.


In mid of billions of website users, you have to be very careful when your website goes live. You have to protect your website in layers so that the hackers could not reach the website to access it for their benefit. In this blog, we have mentioned 10 ways to protect the website from hackers and keep your website safe. We hope the blog was helpful to you.

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