10 Ways To Promote New Blog

Posted on the 04 December 2015 by Jani18
There are many techniques to promote your blogger blog or any type of website But if you really want to promote your blog i will tell you truly i is time consuming because you have to do it manually there is no one click button available that can boost your website.very First thing is that build your website.Enrich your blog with enough website.do not think about earning but build your website , may be your earning is low in the start but with consistent work you can make enough money from website.i will describe below where and how to promote your blog.but want to share fews important things that you must know.

Best ways to promote blog

Facebook is a social media site and Billion of people using facebook. people can connect with friends family and other.make a fan page and share every post to facebook. you can personally send link via message.


Make twitter profile and share your content so that people can reach your blog.My experience is very great on sharing my website in twitter. Amazing impact in promote your post.
Bing is popular search engine after google. many new blogger add their website in google but not in bing. make sure you had added it.
Also see how to add blog to bing
you have to sign up first before promoting your website.add your favorites and share you post with others.recommended to promote website


Another website sharing platform.you can share manually after sign up or get add pin button for your browser so when you are browsing pin the link instantly.make your niche board and share all post there.make sure your board is open to world so that any one can reach your content.


Mark you site and promote .Again the great content sharing site.sign up free and share your website.


It is most famous video sharing site used world.make video description of your website or post and share it on youtube. you need to signup first


It is content sharing site.make group and allow other to see your content.signup and fill up your profile and add your website to promote.create your professional profile and meet others. 

Google plus

It is wonderful site to share your website there.it increase your website visibility and promote it.Also you can add setting in your blogger account to share automatic to google plus when ever you made new post.or change setting and pop up will appear , ask you to share.
slide share.
Make slides of your website tell about your blog ans share on slideshare.It has many category ,put your slide in relevant category.