10 Ways to Get out and About with an Under 1

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
Lately, I've heard a lot of people complaining that they are having trouble occupying their little one. Isabelle, and many of her friends, are now at the age where they love doing activities, but since they are still under 1, not everything is suitable for them, and as their attention span can be quite short, it can make it difficult to know what to do with them.
For something to do, a lot of people I know take their littles to soft play areas. There is nothing wrong with soft play - kids seem to have a great time there - but I personally am not a fan. A quick search of things to do with kids in NI shocked me, as soft play areas took up the bulk of the list.
So, if you're like me and not into soft play, what else is there to do with an active 10.5 month old? At this age so many can't move about well independently, and their understanding is still somewhat limited. So I think it's all about giving them the opportunity to experience new things, explore sights, sounds, smells and the things we find very 'everyday', but to them are new and sparkly. With that in mind, here are my top 10 ideas - whether you have an hour, or a full day, you want something free, or have money to burn, there is something on my list for everyone.
1// Go swimming:
We go swimming almost every week, either with Simon, or with my dad and nephew, Jacob. Isabelle adores it, and it is a great way for her to get some exercise, get confident in the water, and get us out and about with other families. Our local pool runs family sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings which cost just £3 per adult, and Isabelle is free. Check out your local pool to find something similar, and then grab your swimming costume!
2// Go to a museum:
At first thought, babies + museums don't mix. But, I was pleasantly surprised in London at how much Isabelle enjoyed the Natural History Museum. There were lots of exhibits for her to touch (she loved touching the rock exhibits, so is following in our geographical footsteps!), and plenty of bright exhibits for her to look at. Many museums are free, and as they are inside this is a great rainy day activity!
3// Go to your library:
Lots of libraries run programs for little people, with rhyme time/rhythm and rhyme being a particularly popular option. Again, these are often free, and get you out and about with other families, and help increase your repertoire of songs for your little! This is something I have been meaning to do for AGES, and am only just getting round to now, simply because we haven't been able to fit it into our weekly schedule yet!
4// Go to the park:
An absolute classic, but something which people definitely overlook. Take your little one to the park. If they can sit up, they can go on the swings at the very least. Isabelle ADORES swings, and would sit happily in one, watching people around her, for hours! It gets everyone a bit of fresh air, and even if the weather isn't perfect, you can pop a coat on and enjoy the park while it's quiet.
5// Go for a walk:
A vastly over looked past time! We walk every day with the dogs, and Isabelle really loves being out in the fresh air, looking at trees, cars and the dogs. We live in the country so have no footpaths, but we still get out every day - so no excuses for anyone! Even if it's raining, pop on your coat and their rain cover and head out. Fresh air for everyone, and some exercise for you!
6// Go to the farm:
Where I live, there are lots of different farms you can visit with littles. One nearby is even free, and most of them will let you handle baby animals (if it is the right time of year). Take your baby along and introduce them to the different animals, and have fun making them laugh with different animal noises - Isabelle thinks it is hilarious that a cow says 'moo'!
7// Go to the aquarium:
Farm animals not your thing? How about fish instead? Aquariums are full of big tanks with bright colours, lot of lights, and magical underwater worlds that babies never get to see otherwise. This is probably one of the most pricey things on my list, but keep an eye out for term time offers if you can.
8// Go to the beach:

I will never not love this ridiculous photo!

I will be the first to admit I am not a huge fan of the beach, but there is so much for a little one to enjoy there that it is definitely a must. The feel of the sand, the sound, sight and maybe even the feel of the waves, and the smell of the salt water will be a multi-sensory assault for your little one! Pop them in a sling so you don't have to wrestle with a buggy, pack a picnic, and wrap up warm if you plan to go soon! We went to the beach for Simon's birthday last year, and Isabelle loved it!
9// Go to the zoo:
Another chance to teach your little person about different animals, the zoo is a classic activity for kids. They are never to young to go along - and will probably surprise you with how much they enjoy it! Isabelle went to the zoo at just 12 weeks old, and we'll be heading to the zoo when we go on holiday in April.
10// Go for coffee:
If you just want to break the day up a little bit, head out for coffee and a snack with your little one. If they are anything like Isabelle, they will sit happily and gawk at everyone around them, and people always stop to chat to a beautiful baby, so even when you are alone there is plenty of social interaction. Although she is very active at home, when we head out Isabelle could sit and stare at people all day long, so taking her somewhere with lots of people coming and going is her idea of heaven! Plus, you get a cup of coffee/ tea and a snack - what's not to love?
So there we have it - no more excuses to be bored or struggle to think of things to do! Stick on your coat, wrap your little up warmly, and head out and about to explore what's available. Have fun!