10 Unique Ways to Celebrate Christmas 2014

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Christmas is a time of celebrating old traditions with loved ones. There's something nostalgic about reliving those traditions from childhood, but do you ever wonder how you could spice up the festivities? Rules were made to be broken, and there are always ways to celebrate in a new and unique way.

1. Stop the Gift Exchange

I know... It sounds ludicrous. With consumerism ruling the Christmas season, wouldn't it be sacrilegious to stop ALL gift-giving? The answer is no. It would actually be a beautiful thing. Imagine everyone gathering around a meal reminiscing about their favorite past Christmases and watching classic Christmas cartoons without the rush to open presents! You could also spend this time doing some of the other ideas listed below.

2. Get Up to Watch the Sunrise

I admit, if I lived in a cold region, I would not want to do this. However, if you live in a warm area, this is a great way to start the day. Get over the early-morning grumbles and spend some time in silence watching one of the greatest miracles that happens on our earth. Christmas is a special day in itself; cherish it for what it is. It only comes once a year.

3. Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas

You don't have to give a partridge in a pear tree (unless the person wants a wild bird), but change up the giving season by partaking in the twelve days of Christmas. Give a small gift every day for twelve days, or work your way up, giving one, two, three, etc. gifts for the twelve days. It makes the Christmas season feel longer, and you can feel excited every day to see what you'll receive!

4. Give D-I-Y Gifts

Change things up by making everyone handmade gifts! This is the age of do-it-yourself projects on the internet, so there's no reason everyone can't create something fabulous. You can see all of our craft round-ups on our Crafts and DIY's page. Some of my favorite ones are: Cardboard Box Creations; Repurposed DIY's; and the Gold Craft Round-up.

5. Embrace Another Culture

I think this is one of the most interesting ideas on this list. Rather than celebrating Christmas in your culture's typical traditions, learn about a different one and embrace their traditions. Celebrate the way they celebrate. Eat the dishes they eat and sing their songs to celebrate this joyous season.

6. Volunteer

Why not take some time this Christmas to help out at the local food pantry or homeless shelter? There are all kinds of efforts being done by soup kitchens around this time of year. Give your time to others and remember how blessed you are. This is also a great way to teach kids how fortunate they are and presents and toys aren't everything.

7. Visit Those Who Can't Get Out

Is there an elder in your neighborhood who will be spending Christmas alone? Do you know of someone who has an illness or physical disability and won't be able to leave their home? Take some time to visit these people for Christmas. Make a batch of cookies or take a plate of food to them and let them know they are in your thoughts. It's a beautiful way to spend the holiday.

8. Go on Vacation

Rather than spending a bunch of cash on tangible items, why not pay for an experience? While this doesn't have to be an every year tradition, spending your Christmas somewhere warm (if you live in a cold region) or vice versa is a great way to spend time together. One year, my family packed up and went down to Texas to spend some time in the Gulf of Mexico and visit the Alamo. It was an amazing experience and I definitely didn't miss all the "stuff" I would have received if we had stayed home.

9. Bless Those Who Have Less

What better way to celebrate the Christmas season than by giving to those who have less than you? Try inviting a family who is less fortunate than yours to your family dinner. You might invite a single neighbor as well. Christmas doesn't have to be about tangible gifts. Sometimes, the greatest joy comes from seeing joy and happiness on another person's face.

10. Choose a New Main Course

Some people have turkey, duck, or goose for their Christmas dinner, while others eat ham. Why not change things up and serve a dish that's different from the usual? There are several fancy seafood dishes that would make great holiday dinners, or you could use the idea above by embracing a new culture and fixing their traditional dish!

What do you think? Are you going to celebrate Christmas in a different way this year? Would you ever change your traditions to embrace new ones?