Tomorrow is 2016! Can you believe it? And as always, it’s time to share the things I want to do in the new year. Resolutions, if you will. These will probably be pretty similar to last year’s resolutions (of which I accomplished about half — pretty good, eh?), only I have much more specific plans to help me accomplish the things I want to do in the coming year. Here’s to making 2016 the best year yet!
In 2016, I want to:
- Read 52 books.
I know. To some of you, that may seem like a ton. To others, not very many (I’m looking at you, Sara Lily!). To me, it’s a fair amount. Considering I have a toddler and a newborn, finding the time to read can be tough. But I have been evaluating how I spend my time lately, and there are a lot of moments when I could be reading and instead… I’m uh… let’s just say I discovered Buzzfeed this year. It hasn’t been productive.
Thanks to Sara Lily, a list I found on Buzzfeed, and a few books I own in my house, and some recent Goodwill finds, I have around 30 books on my list to read next year. But if you have suggestions — no book series, though — fire away! Otherwise I’ll be wandering my local library when I run out of my list, picking books for their covers. I like fantasy, fairytales, romances, mysteries, and biographies. And sometimes YA, but not much any more.
To go along with this goal, I want to write 52 book reviews with accompanying outfit posts. I think my book review/outfit posts are always my favorite things to write, and it’s so fun coming up with outfits to match book covers. - Write a book, or finish writing a book.
A lot of you know that I used to write novels. But with the business of marriage and babies, writing has been on the backburner for about four years now, and I feel like it’s time to bring it forward again and put more time into writing the stories I love! To help myself finish or write that novel, I am going to commit to writing for 30 minutes a day (unless it is absolutely impossible). I will probably use the site WriteOrDie, which is a GREAT way to set yourself a timer and not get distracted by the internet!
And to go with that, when I’m done I want to publish a book, or get the ball started towards publishing.
This is by far the scariest goal I have, and the most exciting. I’ve wanted to publish novels for at least ten years, if not fifteen. I love writing, I love sharing my stories, and I want to make it happen. But I don’t know if I will self-publish, or pursue traditional publishing. The former is probably easier, but the latter feels more legitimate and much more gratifying. - Begin the health journey to reaching my goal weight.
Right after having set a goal to lose weight last year, I got pregnant. So while I did try to keep pregnancy weight gain to a healthy level, I did not do anything to try to lose weight this year. But I do not plan to be pregnant next year at all, and I hope to have lost at least half of what I want to lose before I get pregnant again! All of it would be ideal, but I’m trying to keep my goals easy and doable.
I will hopefully be taking walks as often as possible, doing yoga or pilates, exercises to help my core and close up the minimal diastasis recti from pregnancy, and eating a 90% Paleo diet. (I say 90% because I think balance includes having treats every once in a while! Junk food is good for your mental health.) - Cultivate the relationships that matter, and be okay with not being friends with everyone.
For me, these are: my relationship with God, my husband, my kids, and certain friends. I have realized three things regarding friendships over the last few years – one, I like everyone to like me, and I want to be friends with everyone. Two… I get stressed making new friends, because I am a social introvert, and while I love people, I need my space. And three, I don’t have to be friends with everyone. This isn’t to say I don’t want to be friends with everyone, but some relationships are stressful. Maybe we don’t click, maybe they’re not as invested as I am, maybe I’m the one doing all the connecting, or maybe it’s a friendship that I’ve been holding onto that is no longer worth pursuing ardently.
Whatever the case, I want to let go of the relationships that stress me out, and put more energy into the relationships that matter most. - Meet more bloggers!
I had this same goal last year and I met Hilary in person! It was super fun, and she is now on my list of friendships to cultivate. 😉 I also added a ton of blogger friends on Facebook, which might not seem like a lot but for me it’s huge (I’m not super private, but I’m pretty shy about invading peoples’ internet spaces). I hope to meet Mariah someday since she lives in Washington, and then if bloggers ever travel this way, I want to make an effort to meet them. Sadly, Sara Lily came to Washington but we just couldn’t make it work. Maybe next time! - Less internet, more life.
This mainly applies to how much time I spend on my iPhone. I only have Instagram and Facebook, but some days I get too addicted and I really want to be more present and less hooked on social media. I want to play more with my kids, talk more to my husband, and worry less about documenting every single thing in crappy iPhone quality pictures. 😉 - Create more things.
This year, I made four skirts, which I am pretty proud of! And next year, as I mentioned in my roundup post, I really want to move on to dresses. My local Goodwill often has really great fabric for really good prices, and I have a stockpile of fabrics just waiting to be made into something. I even have one fabric that is enough for a dress for me and a dress for Evie. So hopefully that will happen without too many mistakes (although given my skirt history, the first few dresses will probably be a bit wonky.) - Blog better.
I realize this might seem counteractive to using less internet, but blogging is actually probably what I spend the least amount of time on when I am online. (I’m looking at you, Buzzfeed) I want to start utilizing a schedule with my blogging, or a checklist, or something to help me streamline the blogging process and create better content. Not that I’m looking to make huge changes to what I post, because I like my blog pretty well, but I want to improve how I post. Because sometimes I take the pictures, edit them, and write the post all in one day and it comes out a bit haphazard.
I also want to get re-involved in the blogging community; respond to comments, read blogs, share blogs, etc. I’ve been letting that slide lately — understandable with a newborn — but I am hoping to structure my day overall better to where I have 30 minutes or so to spend responding to comments and reading blogs. I miss that interaction! - Make videos.
I used to do vlogs, songs, and beauty videos back it the day, albeit sporadically and with a bad camera. And then I got better at photography and less confident in my video skills, and stopped. So next year I’m hoping I can share more videos, because I really love doing them! While I will be sharing makeup and hair looks, likely they won’t be actual tutorials because I don’t think the beauty guru life is my thing. I want to share era-specific looks that transform me from a modern day woman to a 50’s vixen or, as I have done already, a 20’s flapper. Or a Disney Princess. Or a Hollywood star. And, I want to obviously do more thrift hauls. Outside of those two things, I’m not sure what my videos will be yet. I’ll just have to try things and find what I like doing best! - Lastly, save money for vacation.
Because we need a good vacation, and I’m finally getting the hang of our budget to the point where I think I could start putting away a bit of money here and there.
That’s it for my goals! Thank you all so much for reading my blog and sharing your lives with me as I share mine with you. It has been a fantastic year, and I can’t wait to get started on 2016!
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