10 Tech Resolutions You Should Keep This New Year

Posted on the 01 January 2015 by Configcrazy @configcrazy

Originally posted on TechnoCops:

First of all a very very happy new year to all the readers.:D

All of us make several resolutions every year. And why not, the beginning of a year is the best time to adopt new habits. But have you ever considered keeping a few tech-related promises?

Technology has become an integral part of our lives and largely, it has made it simpler. In spite of numerous benefits, its evil effects shouldn't be ignored. Take a pledge to make these tech resolutions this New Year:

1. Avoid e-Readers before bedtime

Definitely, e-Readers have ended the need for hard copies but a recent study has revealed that reading through electronic devices at bedtime could adversely affect sleep habits. Research says that the light emitted by the device can have a bad impact on the overall health, alertness, and circadian clock. This in turn results in sleeping disorders. So, to get a good night's sleep, vow to avoid...