10 Surprising Beauty Uses of Coconut Oil

Posted on the 19 November 2014 by Women_tips @womentips2013

Coconut oil is one of the necessary products used in a kitchen. But are you aware that, it is also used for the medical as well beauty purposes. Coconut oil is rich in health boosting fatty acids. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which help in the healing process. Coconut oil is used in beauty products such as moisturizer. But this is just an example. It is useful for hair, skin and many more. It can work wonders for your beauty.

Here we share 10 ways, you can use coconut oil and gain benefit from it

  1. Moisturizer-It works great as a moisturizer. Apply the coconut oil gently on the problem areas such as elbow, knee and feet, immediately after the bath. Coconut oil quickly gets absorbed in the skin as compared to other lotions and moisturizers. Even you can use it as a night cream, which is very powerful as compared to others.
  2. Deodorant-Coconut oil is a very effective deodorant, as it contains lyric acid, which kills odor causing bacteria. You will feel fresh all the day, after applying coconut oil over armpits after bath. You can also make your own deodorant at home in a cost effective way.
  3. Hair mask-It is very effective on the hair. Especially for curly hair, oil treatment prevents breakage and makes the hair smooth. Straight hair also get benefits from oil treatment. Apply gently oil to the ends and lengths of the hair. After 15 minutes, shampoo your hair and see the results.
  4. Makeup remover-Harsh chemicals in eye creams, makeup and moisturizer, makes the skin under the eye very dull. That skin is very sensitive and delicate, and it needs proper nourishment. To remove eye make up properly and prevent wrinkles, use coconut oil to remove the makeup.
  5. Sunscreen-Most of the sunscreen lotions contain toxic chemicals which are harmful to our body. It blocks UVA as well as UVB rays. But UVB rays are essential for us, as it produces Vitamin D. Use the coconut oil to protect the body from harmful rays.
  6. Toothpaste-Most of the toothpastes contain toxic substance-fluoride. It causes the thyroid disease, infertility problem. To avoid this, you can create your own toothpaste at home. For that mix 3 tablespoons of coconut oil with 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Add 10 drops of peppermint to the mixture.
  7. To prevent Stretch marks-Stretch marks occur not only during the pregnancy, but in other cases such as body weight gain, puberty, body building, etc. Applying coconut oil to the affected areas can surely help reduce the stretch marks. Keeping your skin moisturized, it will help to prevent it from recurring.
  8. Highlighter-If you want fresh and glowing skin all the day, then dab coconut oil above eyebrows, on cheek bones and the skin above upper lips.
  9. Lip Balm-You can use the coconut oil as lip balm. Apply it throughout the day.
  10. Reduce wrinkles-Coconut oil is used as an eye cream. It helps to prevent the wrinkles.

You can improve your beauty by using coconut oil. Always use raw and organic coconut oil, which still contains minerals and fatty acids. So, what are you waiting for? Use coconut oil in right way and surely you will get impressive looks.